I read several breastfeeding guides and took a class when I was pregnant with my first child. I learned the mechanics and was able to successfully breastfeed for 18 months. However, I was really ready to start weaning at 12 months because I felt my daughter was primarily nursing for comfort which I could provide in other ways, but I didn't know what to do. All the books I read kind of glossed over the subject. The lactation consultant and many of the breastfeeding moms I talked to pushed baby-led weaning and I felt guilty for bringing it up. Six months later, I was still nursing and there seemed to be no end in sight. Ultimately, nature intervened (I got pregnant and my milk dried up). I was worried about effects the abrupt end of nursing would have on my 18-month old, but she didn't bat an eye when I told her mommy's milk went bye bye. That reaffirmed my suspicion that we had both been ready to wean for some time. I regret not having the support so we could have eased into it.
Now there is a straightforward and practical book for moms who desire to wean. The ebook Hello Milk, Bye Bye Milk is written with an understanding that today's mothers face a number of obstacles (work, other family obligations, illness) that prevent us from breastfeeding the recommended two years. I enjoyed reading it because it provides the expert advice without being preachy.

How I wish I had this book when I first started breastfeeding! It is so thorough.The first half covers how to breastfeed and the second half discusses how to gently wean your baby or toddler. To me the most helpful section is what NOT to do when weaning. The book dispels many old wives advice on weaning (some of which I heard from my own mom like rubbing cayenne pepper on my nipples so the baby will be turned off from breastfeeding). Every breastfeeding mom should get this book!
Buy It: Hello Milk, Bye Bye Milk: An Expert Mom's Ultimate Guide to Breastfeeding and Weaning retails for $19.89 (digital format). Order now through my affiliate link and receive 3 FREE bonus books! What a deal! Click Here!

Sounds like an excellent resource!!!
I wish I had read a book about breastfeeding too! Thanks for sharing!
Sounds like a great resource for new moms. Thank you for sharing.
This sounds like a great book. I wish it was around when I was breastfeeding, this would have been so helpful. Thanks for the review.
Sounds like a great book! I wish I had it when I was bf. Next time!
Sounds very interesting. It would have been helping when I was nursing, at least I can share with my sister in law now :O)
Sounds like a great book for a new mom!
Looks like a great book and resource for breastfeeding moms!
Sounds like a useful book. I had no idea you can take a breastfeeding class:-)
I did not know about it. I am done with kids, but like to help other moms still nursing. I will look into it, thanks!
Thank you for sharing such a valuable information with us.
I believe this book is a great think, i am going to look into it :)
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