- The week started off with me leaving Marlie with her daddy so I could go scrapbooking with a friend. I got one page done in 4 hours...I am so rusty, but it felt good to do something sans baby.
- Damon installed our new diaper sprayer because someone's poo is getting thicker since she started eating solids. It's not a pretty sight and probably not best for the washing machine. Now I can rinse of her poopie cloth diapers without putting my hands in the toilet. No more poo-talk for the rest of this post. Promise!
- Speaking of solids foods...This week we learned that green peas make her gag (seriously. she. gagged...like I just fed her chicken shit. oops, just broke my promise). She did slightly better with mushed avocados, and when I mixed in some rice cereal and breast milk it was like I discovered gold.
- Marlie's newest behaviors are clicking her tongue, pulling my locs, staring into every mirror or reflective object, and throwing tantrums. yes, tantrums. Like the fit she was having on Thursday because I took away a piece of paper she found while scooting around my office floor. Little Miss Thing flung herself backward and smacked the back of her head on the hardwood floor. She didn't cry, but she has a nice little knot back there.
- Our dog decided to get in on the act and started behaving like a
deranged foolnewborn puppy this week. He has developed a sudden case of incontinence. He has also lost control of his bowels in the house several times this week. Maybe he needs to start wearing a diaper too. - Marlie slept for 5 hours straight on Thursday night, woke-up for a diaper change, slept another 2 hours, ate, and then slept some more. My body's internal clock has gotten used to her waking every 2 hours, so I'd get up expecting to hear her crying only to find her still asleep. The first time I checked on her she had flipped over onto her tummy, was clutching a corner of her blanket, and sleeping peacefully. On Friday night she slept from 9:30 pm to 4:00 am, ate when she woke up, and then went back to sleep until 7:00 am! Again, we found her sleeping on her tummy. Is the reason she has been waking up so much at night because she prefers to sleep on her stomach?
- Damon and I had a real date night on Friday for the first time since Marlie was born. Just the two of us. We went to see Avatar at the 3D IMAX theater. It is a visually stunning movie, you forget that it's all special effects/computer-generated images...but it's no Best Picture Oscar winner. Where was Marlie while we were enjoying our date? She was on a play date of her own. Here she is with my friend's son:
- We won Fandangling from Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports and I get to share coupon code FANDANGLING10 with you for 20% off your purchase of a Fandangling (good through 6/30/2010). We also won a $25 gift card to EcoStore USA from I'd Rather Be Changing Diapers. woo-hoo!
Baby Log: Week 27
Sunday, February 28, 2010
The theme for this week is battle of the wills. Marlie is developing a diva-tude and becoming quite the drama queen, especially when she doesn't get her own way. Is it normal for a 6.5-month-old baby to cut her eye at her mother?
CLOSED...Marlie and Me L-O-V-E Mom-preneurs #6: Pooters Cloth Diapers Review + Giveaway

Majaliwa Bass, the founder, combined her countless hours of cloth diapering research with her business savvy to create Pooters. Her store only carry brands that meet her rigorous standards, including her own line. Maj gave me two Pooters diapers to try...
First up is the Pooters Organic Bamboo One Size Pocket Diaper. Pocket diapers are known to have a trim fit, but are my least favorite because they require that you stuff and remove inserts (try keeping your hands clean while separating an insert from the pocket after a messy bowel movement). The Pooters Pocket Diaper solves this problem with an extra wide opening so it's a cinch to stuff the insert, plus it separates itself in the wash! The insert and the diaper lining is made of bamboo/organic cotton making this diaper super absorbent, antibacterial, and oh-so-soft. Marlie's bum was dry, rash-free, and very happy in this diaper! This is a one-size diaper, but without the confusing array of snaps. You just adjust the rise and a pair of snaps on both sides of the wings to fit the waist. Voila...perfect fit and no leaks! This is the closest I've come to being a fan of a pocket diaper.

Next we tried the Pooters One-Size Fitted Diaper. This diaper is made of hemp and comes with a snap-on liner and an extra doubler. I have some hemp inserts so I am familiar with this thirsty fiber. An entire diaper made from hemp is like wrapping your baby's bum in the most absorbent material on Earth. I used the Pooters hemp fitted as Marlie's nighttime diaper instead of her usual bamboo fitted. In the morning, her bum was dry and the diaper was not soggy, whereas her bamboo diaper was always wet to the touch. The hemp fitted diaper is a workhorse! This diaper is a bit in the bulky side, but this didn't bother me since I was using it overnight. I will definitely be adding more of these to our stash!

Win It: One lucky Marlie and Me reader gets to choose between a Pooters Organic Bamboo One Size Pocket Diaper in white or a Pooters One-Size Fitted Diaper in hemp material.
Mandatory first entry: Visit the Pooters website and leave a comment here with something you learned in the How-to Guides AND which diaper you'd choose if you won.
Extra Entries: Earn one (1) extra entry for completing each of the following (leave separate comments for each):
- Be a current or new follower of Marlie and Me via Google Friend Connect
- Be a current or new subscriber of Marlie and Me via email (subscription must be activated)
- Tell me how you heard about this giveaway (email subscription, linky)
- Sign up for the weekly specials on the Pooters web site
The rules:
- This giveaway will end on 3/13/10 at 11:59 pm CST
- Winner will be chosen randomly from all comments posted using Random.org
- The winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond. Please make sure I can contact you either by having an email address visible on your blog profile or leave your email address in your comment(s).
- By accepting the prize, the winner is granting permission to be identified as such.The winner's mailing address will be forwarded to the sponsor for prize fulfillment.
- In the event the prize is not claimed in the allotted time another winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to US and Canada residents. Must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
- Entries that do not follow instructions or are falsified will be disqualified

Wordless Wednesday: Marlie in the Mirror
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Winners of Mimi & Lola Bibs and BLOOM Pincushion
Monday, February 22, 2010

Mimi & Lola Soak-Proof Bibs Winner...Merrie L.

2 Munkeez Designs BLOOM Pincushion Winner...Michelle Hrin
Congratulations, Merrie and Michelle! You both have 48 hours to respond to the email I sent you. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Baby Log: Week 26
Sunday, February 21, 2010
- Marlie had her 6-moth check-up bright and early on Tuesday morning during which she got two more vaccines. She was a cranky mess the remainder of the day, she even refused to ear her lunch of sweet potatoes. She did sleep a lot, but only in my arms. It was a productive day! That night she had major blowout while sitting in her high chair and she freaked out. I was in the shower when Damon barged in with a bawling, naked baby covered in poo. I rinsed her off and handed her back to him while I got dressed. It took more than an hour to clean up everything (including the high chair) and another hour to calm her down. She was still sniffling as she fell asleep on her daddy. It was an eventful evening!
- Her head and height measurements are holding steady, but her weight dropped to the 5th percentile. I expected a lecture from the pediatrician about her being underweight, but Dr. A didn't give one (and I was fully prepared to argue, armed with my growth chart for breastfed babies on which she is in the 20th percentile). Instead we had a discussion about Marlie's development (she's ahead or on schedule for all targets) and about her eating habits (I've tried everything to get her to nurse for longer than 5 minutes at a time, but she's more interested in playing). We agreed that Marlie is is burning a lot of calories because she is highly active and is just not going to be a fleshy baby. Too bad. I always wanted a chunky, monkey. But it looks like Marlie is going to take after her mama...a rough and tumble, scrawny kid who'd rather go climb a tree than eat dinner.
- We also talked about starting solid foods. I told her doc that I have been giving her rice cereal and some sweet potatoes. She said to skip the cereal and dive right into veggies and fruits. She does want Marlie to get a multi-vitamin though. I made the mistake of adding some vitamin drops to her lunch on Wednesday. It did not go over well. However, adding a slice of mushed banana to her sweet potatoes on Thursday was a huge hit. She gobbled that right up...I swelled with pride!
- She has taken to chewing on the drawstrings of our sweatpants and sweatshirts. Her pediatrician thinks she is going to cut two of her bottom teeth real soon. My nipples are looking forward to it.
- She greets her daddy when he comes home. He says hi, and she answers back. Once she even said hi, no joke!
- We won a Baby Dipper BPA FreeFeeding Set from The Cloth Diaper Report
CLOSED...Marlie and Me L-O-V-E Mom-preneurs #5: Chocolate Dog Studios Scarflette (R+G)

The scarflette is a unique and stylish addition to my collection. I must confess that I have been neglecting my other scarves since the arrival of the scarflette. They are a bit jealous.

Win It: One lucky Marlie and Me reader gets to choose any scarf from the Chocolate Dog Studio Etsy store up to a $15 value!
Mandatory first entry: Visit the Chocolate Dog Studio Etsy Shop and leave a comment here with the name of the scarf you'd choose if you won.
Extra Entries: Earn one (1) extra entry for completing each of the following (leave separate comments for each):
- Be a current or new follower of Marlie and Me via Google Friend Connect
- Be a current or new subscriber of Marlie and Me via email (subscription must be activated)
- Add Chocolate Dog Studio to your list of favorite sellers on Etsy (must have an Etsy account to do this)
The rules:
- This giveaway will end on 2/27/10 at 11:59 pm CST
- Winner will be chosen randomly from all comments posted using Random.org
- The winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond. Please make sure I can contact you either by having an email address visible on your blog profile or leave your email address in your comment(s).
- By accepting the prize, the winner is granting permission to be identified as such.The winner's mailing address will be forwarded to the sponsor for prize fulfillment.
- In the event the prize is not claimed in the allotted time another winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to US residents only. Must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
- Entries that do not follow instructions or are falsified will be disqualified

What I'm Not Giving Up for Lent
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Yesterday was the beginning of Lent. Lent is a time to reflect on the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness. In remembrance, Christians are supposed to "fast" for 40 days; the process of self-denial is meant to be a symbolic act of recommitting to our faith. Instead of going without all food or drink, we pledge to give up one thing for the 40-day period. I like to think of it as a spiritual cleansing. I used to look forward to Lent, but this year I dreaded (even resented) its coming. As a new mommy, I honestly feel like I've given up enough this year to last 10 seasons of Lent! I deserve an exemption just this once. To prove my case, here is a short list of the stuff I have sacrificed during the past 365 days:
alcohol (I didn't imbibe often, but I did enjoy a glass of Riesling on occasion)
body parts (abs, breasts, va-jay-jay)
dairy (no yogurt, no pizza, no cream cheese frosting cupcakes...need I say more?)
IQ points (I feel stupider, doh!)
job (I never thought I'd miss earning a paycheck, until I didn't have one)
social life (no one told me how hard it is to maintain friendships once you start having kids)
sleep (the main reason for this grumpy post)
spontaneous sex (the other reason for this grumpy post)
time (as in, time for anything)
Isn't it weird how having a child can can fill you up and leave you feeling empty at the same time? I have tried to overcome these feelings by telling myself that my sacrifices are worth it. I have a healthy, beautiful baby girl who gives me plenty of unconditional love. But guess what? Mama needs more to feel whole. I'm afraid that if I give up one more thing that I will completely fall apart. So, I'm passing on Lent this year. Somehow I know Jesus will forgive me...
alcohol (I didn't imbibe often, but I did enjoy a glass of Riesling on occasion)
body parts (abs, breasts, va-jay-jay)
dairy (no yogurt, no pizza, no cream cheese frosting cupcakes...need I say more?)
IQ points (I feel stupider, doh!)
job (I never thought I'd miss earning a paycheck, until I didn't have one)
social life (no one told me how hard it is to maintain friendships once you start having kids)
sleep (the main reason for this grumpy post)
spontaneous sex (the other reason for this grumpy post)
time (as in, time for anything)
Isn't it weird how having a child can can fill you up and leave you feeling empty at the same time? I have tried to overcome these feelings by telling myself that my sacrifices are worth it. I have a healthy, beautiful baby girl who gives me plenty of unconditional love. But guess what? Mama needs more to feel whole. I'm afraid that if I give up one more thing that I will completely fall apart. So, I'm passing on Lent this year. Somehow I know Jesus will forgive me...
Winner of the EcoLicious Designs NB Tie Onesie
Monday, February 15, 2010

Congratulations, Rajee! You have 48 hours to respond to the email I sent you. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Baby Log: Week 25
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Marlie reached a major milestone this week...she started eating solids! Her very first meal was rice cereal. She sat in her new high chair with a look of eager anticipation and started pounding the tray with her little fists like she new something special was about to happen. When she saw that spoon she instinctively reached up for it and brought it to her mouth. She ate every single drop. Yesterday, we gave her a bit of homemade pureed sweet potato. She made a funny face at first, but then decided she was okay with the new taste and texture.

Other happenings this week:

Other happenings this week:
- On the sleep front: After reading tons of websites and considering books, we decided to just follow our guts and stop worrying about how to get Marlie to stop waking up at night so frequently. I actually feel more rested now that I have stopped fretting about it. One thing we realized is that Marlie does need a wind-down routine at night to signal bedtime. After her last feeding, her daddy reads her a book in the rocking chair...no more tantrums when it's time to go to bed.
- Marlie is getting up on all fours (table pose for you yoga enthusiasts), but she can only push backwards and she usually backs up into a wall or under a bookcase. It's like watching one of those remote-controlled toy cars that get stuck and can't turn around.
- Our city got more than a foot of snow on Thursday and Friday. Guess who took this picture of our house? Here's a clue: NOT ME!

CLOSED...Marlie and Me L-O-V-E Mom-preneurs #3: Mimi & Lola Soak-Proof Bibs (R+G)

When I first put the Mimi & Lola bib on Marlie I was taken aback at its size, but I would soon come to appreciate the neck-to-toe coverage. This bib caught everything, even the blob of rice cereal that dribbled off her chin and onto her lap. If you are tired of changing clothes after every feeding, then this bib is a must-have! The term soak-proof is not an exaggeration either. When Marlie wears this bib her clothes underneath stay dry thanks to the barrier lining. Not only are these bibs functional, but they are super-stylish and come in dozens of bold and colorful designs! I could go on and on, but I'll stop raving and give you a chance to win a set of Mimi & Lola bibs and see for yourself...

Win It: One lucky Marlie and Me reader is going to get a set of three (3) Mimi & Lola soak-proof bibs in your pattern(s) of choice!
Mandatory first entry: Visit the Designs by Mimi & Lola Etsy Shop and leave a comment here on which 3 of the more than 75 bib designs you'd choose if you won. These will be the bibs that are sent to you so choose carefully!
Extra Entries: Earn one (1) extra entry for completing each of the following (leave separate comments for each):
- Be a current or new follower of Marlie and Me via Google Friend Connect
- Be a current or new subscriber of Marlie and Me via email (subscription must be activated)
- Join the Designs by Mimi & Lola group Facebook
- Add Designs by Mimi & Lola to your list of favorite sellers on Etsy (must have an Etsy account to do this)
The rules:
- This giveaway will end on 2/20/10 at 11:59 pm CST
- Winner will be chosen randomly from all comments posted using Random.org
- The winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond. Please make sure I can contact you either by having an email address visible on your blog profile or leave your email address in your comment(s).
- By accepting the prize, the winner is granting permission to be identified as such.The winner's mailing address will be forwarded to the sponsor for prize fulfillment.
- In the event the prize is not claimed in the allotted time another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US and Canada residents. Must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
- Entries that do not follow instructions or are falsified will be disqualified

CLOSED...Marlie and Me L-O-V-E Mom-preneurs #4: 2Munkeez BLOOM Pincushion Giveaway

Joi from 2Munkeez is very talented seamstress who creates wonderful and colorful clothes for girls. She also makes the most adorable BLOOM pincushions and is offering one right here! Her Esty site describes them as the "PERFECT for gift giving to moms, sisters, friends, teachers, neighbors, aunts, Grandmothers, the crafty person who has EVERYTHING..."

Win It: One lucky Marlie and Me reader is going to get a BLOOM pincushion of choice from 2Munkeez's inventory!
Mandatory first entry: Visit the 2Munkeez Etsy shop and comment here on another item you'd like to have
Extra Entries: Earn one (1) extra entry for completing each of the following (leave separate comments for each):
- Be a current or new follower of Marlie and Me via Google Friend Connect
- Be a current or new subscriber of Marlie and Me via email (subscription must be activated)
- Add 2Munkeez to your list of favorite sellers on Etsy (must have an Etsy account to do this)
The rules:
- This giveaway will end on 2/20/10 at 11:59 pm CST
- Winner will be chosen randomly from all comments posted using Random.org
- The winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond. Please make sure I can contact you either by having an email address visible on your blog profile or leave your email address in your comment(s).
- By accepting the prize, the winner is granting permission to be identified as such.The winner's mailing address will be forwarded to the sponsor for prize fulfillment.
- In the event the prize is not claimed in the allotted time another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US and Canada residents. Must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
- Entries that do not follow instructions or are falsified will be disqualified

Closed...Marlie and Me L-O-V-E Mom-preneurs #2: EcoLicious Designs Onesie (R&G) Ends Today!
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Win It: One lucky Marlie and Me reader is going to get this tie design in a white newborn onesie!
Mandatory first entry: Visit the EcoLicious Designs Etsy shop and comment here on another item you'd like to have
Extra Entries:
- Earn one (1) extra entry for completing each of the following (leave separate comments for each):
- Be a current or new follower of Marlie and Me via Google Friend Connect
- Be a current or new subscriber of Marlie and Me via email (subscription must be activated)Become a Fan of EcoLicious Designs on Facebook
- Add EcoLicious Design to your list of favorite sellers on Etsy (must have an Etsy account to do this)
The rules:
- This giveaway will end on 2/13/10 at 11:59 pm CST
- Winner will be chosen randomly from all comments posted using Random.org
- The winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond. Please make sure I can contact you either by having an email address visible on your blog profile or leave your email address in your comment(s).
- By accepting the prize, the winner is granting permission to be identified as such.The winner's mailing address will be forwarded to the sponsor for prize fulfillment.
- In the event the prize is not claimed in the allotted time another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US and Canada residents. Must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
- Entries that do not follow instructions or are falsified will be disqualified

Help a Sister Earn Her Ph.D.
Friday, February 12, 2010

In case you missed the hyperlink, here is the survey website: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/tonjiaphd
Winner of the SewBebe Burp Cloths Giveaway
Monday, February 8, 2010

Congratulations, The Redhead Riter! You have 48 hours to respond to the email I sent you. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Baby Log: Week 24
Sunday, February 7, 2010
This was a week of breakthroughs. I made progress in the socializing department. I went out with a friend last Sunday to see a movie (at a movie theater!). We saw Leap Year. I am a HUGE Amy Adams fan, but I was disappointed with this film. Still, it felt good to have a grown-up outing. As for Marlie (sorry, no pics):
- I broke down Monday and called a lactation consultant in hopes of getting to the bottom of Marlie's poor eating. The LC theorized that Marlie was "reverse nursing"--waking up to eat at night and therefore wasn't as hungry during the day. She said I had to get Marlie to eat to fullness during the day, but she stopped short of saying not to nurse her at night if she is hungry. I'm so confused! One thing I do know is that we are getting a high chair this weekend and starting her on cereal. I'll let you know it goes!
- Marlie slept from 10:30-2:30 am on Monday night! She did get two really long naps that day and had a 10 pm feeding. I have been trying to repeat this sequence, but not getting the same result. ugh!
- The LC also sent me an awesome tip sheet on increasing my milk supply. I started using some of the recommendations, and I do notice a difference. Marlie is eating better and feeling heavier.
- Her "vocabulary" is expanding. She can say the consonants "da," "mmm," and "na." I think her first word is going to be "dawg."
- She is starting to creep too. I sometimes turn around to find her halfway across the room trying to get into my papers (which are in piles on the floor). I think it's time to get a filing cabinet and get all objects off the floors.
- Her newest accomplishment is biting. Can it even be called that when she has no teeth? She chomped down on my shoulder real good on Friday. I still had a red mark on Saturday.
- Giveaway wins this week: Jo-Sha natural sanitizing wipes from the blog Feeling Fit with Dana. These are perfect to keep in the diaper bag for wiping our hands and germ-riddled shopping carts. I am also excited about winning a personalized 8x10 London Bridge Children art print from Mommy of 3 Giveaways Free.
Flashback Friday: Queen of Hearts
Friday, February 5, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: You Are My Sunshine
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
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