Showing Off My Swap Goodies
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
This post is long overdue.
I have been holding back only because I was patiently waiting for one more goody to arrive and it came yesterday.
Now I can spill the beans about the two amazing swaps I did earlier this year.
First up, is in the "New Years, New To You" cloth diaper swap hosted by Emi of The Cloth Diaper Report and Danielle of There's no snakes in New Zealand. I traded in three bamboo fitted diapers and got back two fitted diapers, a one-size cover, and a gift of 10 cloth wipes to add to my fluffy stash... Thanks Emi!
Se'Lah of NECESSARY ROOM organized a "Gift if Jewels" secret pen pal exchange in which the pa
rticipants mailed handmade postcards and other "jewels" to total strangers. My *gift of jewels* came all the way across the pond from the U.K., a beautiful, handmade necklace and a pouch of scrumptious chocolates. Thanks Shani!
If you have never participated in a swap, you are missing out my friend. It is a thrill to send off something and get neat stuff back in return. But don't take my word for it...join a swap or start your own!
I have been holding back only because I was patiently waiting for one more goody to arrive and it came yesterday.
Now I can spill the beans about the two amazing swaps I did earlier this year.

Se'Lah of NECESSARY ROOM organized a "Gift if Jewels" secret pen pal exchange in which the pa
If you have never participated in a swap, you are missing out my friend. It is a thrill to send off something and get neat stuff back in return. But don't take my word for it...join a swap or start your own!
Baby Log: Week 31
Sunday, March 28, 2010

- We woke up to snow on Sunday. I was not happy to see it. I think winter wanted to make one last impression before it retired. Thankfully it melted by midday.
- Being able to crawl forward has opened up a whole new world for Marlie. Chasing after her all day is the most exercise I've gotten in awhile. She likes to crawl under our bed and pull things out. Damon says babies have an impeccable knack for turning the most innocuous things into choking hazards. He said this after observing her pull pieces from the shag rug and proceed to put them in her mouth. yikes! Time for baby proofing.
- She also started chewing the rail of her crib. I immediately put on the rail cover. One of her bottom teeth is crowning (so exciting!) so she gums everything in sight.
- The bum scratching has started again. I am so frustrated because I have been avoiding dairy. So I took her to the pediatrician who seemed as baffled as me, but theorized that the fluctuation in the temperature as the cause. I did some online research and began to wonder if the detergent I use on her cloth diapers is the culprit. Then I talked to Maj of Pooters and when I mentioned that I have an HE washing machine she said it might not be filling up with enough water to the rinse out the soap. Bingo! From now on I am going to wash her diapers on extra rinse cycles several times to make sure there is no detergent residue. If that doesn't solve her skin irritation then I'm taking her to a pediatric dermatologist.
- Someone commented this week that she looks like me. I must admit that it made me smile.
- We hung out with Maj and Khari on Friday. I was wiped out by the end of the day, but it was a lot of fun.
- I didn't win any giveaways this week, but I got a new car! It is a silver Scion and is 4 doors of heaven on wheels.
Weird Word Thursday: Vol. 4
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I know word verification is not going away anytime soon, but I figure I can at least have a little fun with it. So, I present you with Weird Word Thursday. Each week, I will feature my favorite non-word from the many word verifications I've encountered and make up a definition. This week...
Crosting [kraws-ting]
hardened frosting; frosting that has crusted
Example: "Tamika was disappointed when she opened the box of left over cake and saw crosting around the edges."
Got a better definition? Leave it in a comment, no word verification required.
Crosting [kraws-ting]
hardened frosting; frosting that has crusted
Example: "Tamika was disappointed when she opened the box of left over cake and saw crosting around the edges."
Got a better definition? Leave it in a comment, no word verification required.
Tip(ful) Tuesday: Define the eShakti Woman and Win!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I haven't been clothes shopping since Marlie was born. I dread the idea of juggling an armful of clothes while maneuvering a stroller through the narrow aisles of a department store. Don't even get me started on the tiny dressing rooms! I miss clothes shopping. Badly. I have been wanting to try online shopping, but am hesitant to order clothes I can't touch or try on. eShakti to the rescue! I have been offered the chance to sample and review product from the company's line of beautiful women's clothing. I cannot wait!
In the meantime, I want to share information with you about the FABULOUS contest eShakti is running on their website. All you have to do is answer 3 simple questions:
In the meantime, I want to share information with you about the FABULOUS contest eShakti is running on their website. All you have to do is answer 3 simple questions:
- Who is the eShakti woman? (in 25 words or less)
- Which 3 products describe eShakti the best?
- Why do you think these 3 products describe eShakti the best? (in 30 words or less)
- 1 grand prize winner will receive $250
- 25 runner-ups will receive $50
- everyone who enters receives a $10 eShakti gift certificate
Monday Morning Parenting: What is Your Baby Food IQ?!
Monday, March 22, 2010

We decided long before Marlie was born to make her baby food when she was ready for solids. This decision was made for both economical and health reasons. It truly is less expensive to make than to buy baby food, but most importantly it is so much better for babies to eat natural foods that are fresh and whole in nutrients. Still, I never knew how superior in quality our homemade food was to store-bought until Damon came across this report Cheating Babies: Nutritional Quality and Cost of Commercial Baby Food. I encourage you to read it.
I am outraged that there are commercial baby food brands marketing what is essentially fillers and water as wholesome, nutritious "food." As consumers, we are so brainwashed by slick advertising slogans and images that we don't question what is really in those jars plastered with pictures of cute, chubby babies. Why would we though? We TRUST these brands! Meanwhile, we shell out top dollar because we believe that we are providing a quality product that will help our little one grow and thrive. Only the best for our babies, right?!
The food industry has really gotten out of hand (the real problem is that it is controlled by a handful of multi-national companies, but that is another post. Go watch Food Inc. and then we'll talk). Parents, we have to wake up! Think of processed baby food as a gateway drug. The sugars and salts used in the majority of commercial baby food brands train our kids to crave more sugary and salty foods and sets them up for to a host of childhood health issues such as obesity and diabetes. That's how drug dealers get addicts hooked!
We have to take back control of our children's diets. The first step is to educate ourselves about what is in the food we serve them and then make better choices. I realize that were are society that is little on time and big on convenience. But the long-term health risks for our young people far outweighs the benefits of convenience food. Here are some things you can do start changing the way you and your family eats for the better:
- make baby food in batches on the weekend and freeze in ice cube trays. Thaw as needed
- reduce the amount of sugars, salts and refined carbohydrates consumed (sodas, desserts, frozen dinners)
- shop on the outer perimeter at the grocery store. That's usually where the best quality food is located (fresh produce and meats, dairy, bulk items like oats and nuts)
- plan your family's meals ahead of time to avoid having to stop at a drive-thru on the way home
Winner of the 500 business cards Giveaway

Congratulations to the #24, Lynn! You have 48 hours to respond to the email I sent you. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Baby Log: Week 30
Sunday, March 21, 2010
It's been an amazing week. Her majesty has become very mobile. She climbed to new heights and fell low (another tumble out of our bed, this time on my watch). Read all about it...

- Social Development: Khari came over for a play date on Monday. He is older than Marlie by 5 months and outweighs her by 7 lbs. Play time consisted of a lot of me keeping their hands off each other because they don't yet understand gentle touch. It was tough juggling two infants. After three hours, I needed a time out. I have new respect for mommies with two babes. Speaking of Khari, we attended his 1st birthday party on Saturday. Happy Birthday Big Boy!
- Motor Skills Development: she has been trying to stand up, but could only get as far as the downward dog position. This week she pulled herself up in her crib using the railing. Of course she had to see if she could hold on with one hand...she is such a little daredevil. Damon thinks she is going to be a stunt woman. That would explain her need to launch herself over the side of our bed...she's practicing! She also figured out how to crawl forward. This one came out of the blue. I put her on the floor to play, sat down in a chair, and she just crawled toward me. I think seeing Khari walk around on Monday really motivated her.

- Behavioral Development: Marlie has officially entered the bratty phase and I hope to heaven it is short-lived. She can't even speak, but that hasn't prevented her from communicating her desire to do things her way. She is aggressively trying to assert her independence (despite the fact that she cannot do a thing by herself) and control...she pushes away food, squirms endlessly when I need to bathe, clothe or diaper her; fights nap and bedtime. I would leave her be except that child protective services would get a call if I showed up somewhere with a stinky, malnourished kid with dark circles under her eyes. VOTE 4 MARLIE
- I won three giveaways this week: The Princess and the Frog on DVD from Christian Mommy Writer, Episencial Better Body Butter from Upside to Rainy Days, and 3 Natural Sea Silk Baby Sponges from A Mom's Balancing Act!
Vote for Marlie!
Saturday, March 20, 2010

You can help by clicking on this link VOTE FOR MARLIE which will open up a window in your default email program with all the information already included. All you have to do is hit send!
If this doesn't work you can always go directly to the Hip Green Baby website and follow her instructions.
Every vote earns an extra entry into any of my giveaways through April 3. Just be sure to cc me on your email vote so I can verify your entry.
Now go vote! Don't. Make. Me. Beg. Okay, I'm begging you...pretty please?!
Flashback Friday: Gilligan's Island
Friday, March 19, 2010

Entertainment Weekly and People Magazine both have articles about who should be cast in the film. I thought it would be fun to make a list of my fantasy picks:
Gilligan: Justin Long (Michael Cera is too obvious)
Skipper: James Gadolfini (I think he has hidden comedic talent)
Thurston Howell, III: Sean Connery (he'd steal the movie!)
Lovey Howell: Betty White (I'm loving this Golden Girl's renaissance!)
Ginger: Kate Walsh (the hair, the shape, the sultry glare)
Mary Anne: Zooey Deschanel (she has the wide-eyed innocence that masks a inner wild child)
The Professor: James Denton (he proves he is a fix-it man on Desperate Housewives)
Who would you cast?
Weird Word Thursday: Vol. 3
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I know word verification is not going away anytime soon, but I figure I can at least have a little fun with it. So, I present you with Weird Word Thursday. Each week, I will feature my favorite non-word from the many word verifications I've encountered and make up a definition. This week...
Conecu [kuh-nekt-yoo]
What the operator says when you call 4-1-1
Example: "The phone number for Pizza Hut on 102 Avenue is 555-1234. I'll conecu you now."
Got a better definition? Leave it in a comment, no word verification required.
Conecu [kuh-nekt-yoo]
What the operator says when you call 4-1-1
Example: "The phone number for Pizza Hut on 102 Avenue is 555-1234. I'll conecu you now."
Got a better definition? Leave it in a comment, no word verification required.
CLOSED...$15 iTunes Follower Appreciation Giveaway
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Marlie and Me achieved 150 followers last week so I thought it would be nice to express my gratitude with a giveaway...Win It: a $15 iTunes Gift Card
How to Enter: You must be following this blog publicly via Google Friend Connect AND leave a comment here with the title of your favorite post. If you need help remembering, the archives are on the bottom far right column...wink, wink ;-]
Extra Entries: I know it will be tough for you loyal readers to narrow the field of all-time favorite posts to just one, so if you were already following of Marlie and Me before this contested posted you get up to 3 extra entries! Remember to leave separate comments for each entry.
The rules:
- This giveaway will end on 3/31/10 at 11:59 pm CST
- Winner will be chosen randomly from all comments posted using
- The winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond. Please make sure I can contact you either by having an email address visible on your blog profile or leave your email address in your comment(s).
- By accepting the prize, the winner is granting permission to be identified as such.The winner's mailing address will be forwarded to the sponsor for prize fulfillment.
- In the event the prize is not claimed in the allotted time another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to all locations. Must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
- Entries that do not follow instructions or are falsified will be disqualified
Winner of the Pooters Cloth Diaper
Monday, March 15, 2010

Congratulations to the #32 Candy! You have 48 hours to respond to the email I sent you. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Baby Log: Week 29
Sunday, March 14, 2010
This week I have been thinking a lot about how time seems to slow down when you have a baby and then suddenly speeds up. Is it my imagination or did Marlie turn into a little person overnight? She is still a baby who needs me to feed her, bathe her, change her diapers. But she is also growing up in other ways...and growing fast. She is responding to her name, trying to stand up, waving, and understanding the tone of our voices (happy, angry, sad). The other day I shouted at the dog and she looked so upset. I have to be careful not to yell around her. She is going to be a very expressive child. I still see a stage and spotlights in her future. What else happened this week...

- Marlie took her first tumble off our bed. She didn't fall while we were sleeping. She didn't fall because she was left unsupervised. She fell with one of her parents right there (not me!). Damon pleaded Benadryl-induced drowsiness. I didn't freak out, but he's on probation.
- I took Marlie to the pediatrician for a vaccine on Wednesday. She still has a small knot in her thigh. It looks painful, but she doesn't wince when I touch it. I'm the one that's traumatized.
- After the doctor visit we met up with Brandy and baby Orlaith (from Irish Baby Bump) for lunch followed by the cry baby matinee at a local theater. We saw The Ghost Writer and Ewan McGregor's ass for the umpteenth time. It was a gripping political thriller (a tad long though). Marlie slept through most of it, but here is a picture of the two little princesses before the show:

- Our little family went to the lake on Saturday to enjoy the nice weather. Marlie got to touch grass for the first time and tried to eat it. She was quite fetching in her hat.

- I won a bottle of BabyGanics Germinator, foaming hand sanitizer, from a Savvy Housewife. I think I'll put it in the car.
- I just realized as I started this post that Marlie and Me has reached 150 followers...look out for a special thank you giveaway this week.
CLOSED...500 business cards from Giveaway
Friday, March 12, 2010
If you have a blog or business to promote, business cards should be in your arsenal of marketing tools. makes it easy to get professional-looking and affordable business cards delivered right to your doorstep. The ordering process is very simple, just use one of their template or upload your own design (I had my family's Christmas cards printed through, so I speak from experience). Plus, their complimentary proofing service ensures you will love the results. Make your source for all your promotional printing needs.
Win It: One lucky Marlie and Me reader is going to receive 500 Business Cards from in choice of size: 2 x 3.5”, 2 x 3”, 2 x 2” (square card) or 1.5 x 3.5” (slim card)
choice of paper: 14 pt gloss cardstock, 14 pt matte cardstock or 13 pt recycled uncoated cardstock
[Specs: Full Color Both Sides; Offset Press; 3 Business Day Printing]
Plus FREE UPS Ground Shipping!
Mandatory first entry: Leave a comment stating how you will use these business cards if you won
Extra Entries: Earn one (1) extra entry for completing each of the following (leave separate comments for each):

choice of paper: 14 pt gloss cardstock, 14 pt matte cardstock or 13 pt recycled uncoated cardstock
[Specs: Full Color Both Sides; Offset Press; 3 Business Day Printing]
Plus FREE UPS Ground Shipping!
Mandatory first entry: Leave a comment stating how you will use these business cards if you won
Extra Entries: Earn one (1) extra entry for completing each of the following (leave separate comments for each):
- Be a current or new follower of Marlie and Me via Google Friend Connect
- Be a current or new subscriber of Marlie and Me via email (subscription must be activated)
- Tell me how you heard about this giveaway (email subscription, linky)
- This giveaway will end on 3/20/10 at 11:59 pm CST
- Winner will be chosen randomly from all comments posted using
- The winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond. Please make sure I can contact you either by having an email address visible on your blog profile or leave your email address in your comment(s).
- By accepting the prize, the winner is granting permission to be identified as such.The winner's mailing address will be forwarded to the sponsor for prize fulfillment.
- In the event the prize is not claimed in the allotted time another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US residents only. Must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
- Entries that do not follow instructions or are falsified will be disqualified

Fluff the Bum Cloth Diapering Event in April!
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Weird Word Thursday: Vol. 2
I know word verification is not going away anytime soon, but I figure I can at least have a little fun with it. So, I present you with Weird Word Thursday. Each week, I will feature my favorite non-word from the many word verifications I've encountered and make up a definition. This week...
SMORYP [smoor-rip]
a S'more covered in syrup
Example: When Lila was pregnant she ate lots of Smoryps for dessert.
Got a better definition? Leave it in a comment, no word verification required.
SMORYP [smoor-rip]
a S'more covered in syrup
Example: When Lila was pregnant she ate lots of Smoryps for dessert.
Got a better definition? Leave it in a comment, no word verification required.
Tip(ful) Tuesday: Coupon for Almond Breeze
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I stopped drinking cow's milk 5 years ago and switched to almond milk. It has the same nutrients, but didn't cause the digestive problems I had with dairy milk. Plus, it tastes fantastic!
My favorite brand Almond Breeze is offering consumers a $1 off coupon to try their product. Click the link to print yours today.
My favorite brand Almond Breeze is offering consumers a $1 off coupon to try their product. Click the link to print yours today.
Baby Log: Week 28
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Marlie came down with a head cold at the start of the week (I think she caught the bug on her play date). Anyhoos, her nose was really congested...I'm taking copiuos amount of mucus that had to be removed by tissue, q-tip, wash cloth and aspirator. She hates anything hear her face so she would holler like we were subjecting her to water torture. If I left the boogies alone she turned around and wiped them on my shirt. The only funny thing about all of this was when she sneezed, a snot bubble would form on her nostril. Hilarious! What else happened this week-
- She has mastered sitting herself up from a crawling position. She has also figured out how to sit on her knees.
- She is still working on crawling forward. Right now it consists of a lot of rocking back and forth or lunging.
- She has been talking up a storm! I'm pretty sure she is calling things by name. For example, when Damon comes home she starts "da-da-da-da" or "hi-ya" or "hi-da" and she says "gug" when she sees the dog.
- Her sensory skills are on developing rapidly too. She loves to touch our faces. She puts everything in her mouth, especially tags. She always find them on blankets, towels, pillows and begins sucking on them.
- Her taste buds are also blossoming. Sweet potatoes are still her favorite so we use them as the base and add pears, apples or bananas. She has been nursing better and I've noticed that she looks a bit plumper.
- The weather is getting warmer, so we went for a couple of walks. I'm looking for more activities we can do together to get us out of the house. I was close to losing my mind there being shut-in because of the cold temperatures.
- Damon and I attended an Open House at a neighborhood Montessori school since I'm planning to get a part-time job in the fall. We both like the idea of her being in a natural learning environment.
- This week I won a copy of the new Sade CD Soldier of Love from the blog Execumama Online. Coolness!
Flashback Friday: Date Night
Friday, March 5, 2010
I know it was only a week ago, but I can't help reminiscing about our date last Friday. It took lots of strategic planning and gave me a chance to dust off my project manager hat.
First task, secure baby sitter. My friend Maj agreed to watch Marlie. She is a cloth-diapering mama too, and she has an 11 month-old boy. She knows the drill and we trust her. Bonus: no cost!
Second task, plan date. After much discussion (because we have one shot at this....who knows when we'll have this opportunity again?), we decided on an early dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant followed by Avatar at the 3D IMAX.
Third task, rest up. Nothing can kill the mood on a date faster than one or both parties yawning. Damon had the day off work, so we both took naps to make sure neither of us fell asleep in the dark theater.
It was a night to remember (or am I thinking of my Prom Night theme?). Anyways, Project Date Night was a success!
First task, secure baby sitter. My friend Maj agreed to watch Marlie. She is a cloth-diapering mama too, and she has an 11 month-old boy. She knows the drill and we trust her. Bonus: no cost!
Second task, plan date. After much discussion (because we have one shot at this....who knows when we'll have this opportunity again?), we decided on an early dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant followed by Avatar at the 3D IMAX.
Third task, rest up. Nothing can kill the mood on a date faster than one or both parties yawning. Damon had the day off work, so we both took naps to make sure neither of us fell asleep in the dark theater.
It was a night to remember (or am I thinking of my Prom Night theme?). Anyways, Project Date Night was a success!
Weird Word Thursday: Vol. 1
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Word verification is a time-consuming (some say necessary) evil in the blogosphere. Some bloggers want me to prove that I am an actual human and not a spam bot in order to leave a comment. Fair enough. But why do some bloggers hide the word verification widget? Nothing ruffles my blogging feathers more than to hit the post button after making a comment only to have that word verification thingy pop up. I scream at the computer that I don't have time for this! I estimate that word verification truncates my blog participation by 50%. That's a lot of unrequited bloggy love.
The other reason I despise word verification is the the made-up gibberish that masquerade as words. Case in point, the "word" spezonsi...really?! I fancy myself a wordsmith and it enrages me to type a string of letters that don't mean anything. Don't you hate when you spell one of these non-words wrong and you have to try again? It sends me into a tizzy!
I know word verification is not going away anytime soon, but I figure I can at least have a little fun with it. So, I present you with Weird Word Thursday. Each week, I will feature my favorite non-word from the many word verifications I've encountered and make up a definition. This week...
DUCKRUFF (duhk*ruhf)-noun, regrowth of shaven hair that is rough to the touch, also known as stubble
Example: Carly forgot to shave the duckruff under her arms before she went dancing in her strapless dress.
Got a better definition? Leave it in a comment, no word verification required.
The other reason I despise word verification is the the made-up gibberish that masquerade as words. Case in point, the "word" spezonsi...really?! I fancy myself a wordsmith and it enrages me to type a string of letters that don't mean anything. Don't you hate when you spell one of these non-words wrong and you have to try again? It sends me into a tizzy!
I know word verification is not going away anytime soon, but I figure I can at least have a little fun with it. So, I present you with Weird Word Thursday. Each week, I will feature my favorite non-word from the many word verifications I've encountered and make up a definition. This week...
DUCKRUFF (duhk*ruhf)-noun, regrowth of shaven hair that is rough to the touch, also known as stubble
Example: Carly forgot to shave the duckruff under her arms before she went dancing in her strapless dress.
Got a better definition? Leave it in a comment, no word verification required.
Winner of the Chocolate Dog Studio Scarf
Monday, March 1, 2010

Congratulations to the Redhead Riter! You have 48 hours to respond to the email I sent you. Thank you to everyone who participated!
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