Name: Lisa
Blog Name: Tales of a Soon-to-Be Soccer Mom
Blog Address: talesofasoccermom.blogspot.com
How many children do you have and what are their genders/ages? two girls, ages 4 & 2, one boy due in April
- How has becoming a mother changed you for the better: Becoming a mother has completely deepened my relationship with Christ. I understand love in such a different way now that I have my own children. I cannot imagine sending one of them to die for the sins of this world as God sent Jesus to pay for our sins, my sins.
- How has becoming a mother changed you for the worst: If you want to see the ugliness of a cranky mommy take sleep away from me, or my kids! I need my sleep and it’s so much more evident now that I have two little ones to care for all day long!
- Did you have an imaginary friend when you were a kid: I had two imaginary friends named Amy and Chelsea. Not sure where they came from but I remember pushing them on the swings when I was at pre-school. The teachers must have thought I was crazy!
- Do your child(ren) have imaginary friends: My oldest, Chloe, has an imaginary friend named Hilly, who is definitely a character. Hilly does all kinds of things to get in trouble and more than once she has been banned from our house!
- If the FCC had a policy that every household could only have one TV station, which would you choose: HGTV!
- What station would your child(ren) pick: They would definitely pick Noggin (I guess it’s Nick, Jr. now…I liked Noggin better).
- Rank your top 5 all-time favorite movies in order starting with your most cherished: The Wizard of Oz, A League of Their Own, Little Women, You’ve Got Mail and Legally Blonde
- Random question time. What is your favorite punctuation mark: Hmm…that is random. I’m going to go with the exclamation mark!!
- This time of year calls for hot drinks. Are you a hot cocoa or wassail fan: Hot Chocolate!
- Any New Year's resolutions: To finish projects I have started, finish unpacking our new house (finally!) and get things ready for this baby boy’s arrival in advance so I’m not rushing at the last minute!