- Her newest tricks: throwing things (toys, sippy cup, etc...) on the ground to see how many times you will pick it up for her...my limit is three times then she doesn't get it back. She has developed this crab walk because crawling is no longer efficient I guess. She is also climbing now. She climbed on top of my mini trampoline. Of course she could not get down. hee.
- I was flipping through the channels and stopped on PBS. It was the opening sequence of Clifford the Big Red Dog. Marlie flipped out. She started bouncing up and down and shouting "deeg! deeg!" Yes, my love that is a big, red deeg.
- You ever listen to your baby babbling and think you heard a real word. I swear she said cakeblast the other day.
- Lots of new foods this week: peaches, corn (it was weird to find the skins in her poop), noodles, coconut milk smoothie, and french fries(!). We went for burgers yesterday and I let her try a fry. sue me. :-)
Baby Log: Week 40
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Marlie did not sleep in her crib for more than one hour this week (darn tooth!). Needless to say I am reeling from a lack of sleep, but like an Olympic athlete I will train through the pain...
Baby Log: Week 39
Sunday, May 23, 2010
It's been another post-less/picture-less week. But I still have baby log!
- The week started with her 9-month wellness exam. She weighs a whopping 14 lbs. 11 oz...a future heavyweight contender! hee. hee. What my baby lacks in bulk she makes up for in length. At 28 inches long, she has jumped from the lower 40th to the 50th percentile in height. Dr. Agrawal says she is going to be tall and skinny like a supermodel. um, okay...with a mom who is 5'2" and a dad who is 5'6" that will be a genetic marvel. Her pediatrician declared her in good health and then it was time for shots and a blood draw for anemia/lead testing. Marlie was so brave! She didn't cry at all when the nurse nicked she toe for the blood draw. She did cry when she got her shots, but was over it by the time we got to the elevators.
- Marlie is becoming quite the busybody. Her curiosity puts her in the most interesting situations like crawling into spaces she cannot free herself from. It has also brought about her first injury, a scratch to the right temple she received after knocking her head into the corner of a bookcase while trying to reach for a book. At least she is taking an interest in literature.
- She is also very nosy! If something is going on out of her line of sight she will crane her neck to get a peak. I think she is going to be a reporter.
- She is improving on her standing time. She can now stand unsupported for about 5 seconds. She has started to shake her head from side to side to say no. We don't know where she picked this up from. She also extends her arm like saying stop when she does not want to be approached (usually when she is doing something she shouldn't). Again, we have no idea where she is learning this.
- Her night-waking comes and goes while that third tooth continues to push its way through.
- This week I made her a green smoothie (pureed spinach, quinoa and pear), hoping to add it to her meal rotation. I put it in her sippy cup and gave it to her to drink...it was not an instant hit. I felt dejected, but not defeated. I froze the green goodness and later on I thawed it out and mixed it with her favorite food, sweet potato...voila! She likes it, she really likes it! I think I no longer have to fear that she won't eat anything green. :-)
Baby Log: Week 38
Sunday, May 16, 2010
I'm still in the blogger weeds, but I am determined to keep up with the baby log. So here goes...
- My first Mother's Day was "interesting." I woke up tired because our little night-waker would not sleep more than 1-2 hours at a time and also because I was keeping an eye on Damon's labored breathing. The next morning he looked like hell, I felt like hell, and Marlie was acting like a hellion. I finally decided to take matters into my own hands and hauled Damon's butt to Urgent Care where he received a diagnosis of an upper respiratory infection brought on by severe allergies (aw, springtime!). They gave him a shot of steroids for the inflammation and a prescription for an inhaler. He took one puff of that thing and the tightness in his chest was gone. I was relieved, but the day was gone. We were all too tired to go out. I was even too tired to take my gift out of the box. I got a sewing machine! I can't wait to take a class and start making Marlie dresses and tutus and doll clothes!
- Momma Bear's next move was to investigate the night-waking. We changed out the scratchy sheets. We bought a CD player and streamed lullabies. But the break in the case appeared on Thursday...a third tooth is coming in, an incisor on the upper deck, right field. Once the swelling went down, she was sleeping more soundly. But, my body clock hasn't readjusted and I'm still waking up anticipating her cries.
- Marlie is almost sleeping through the night, until 4/4:30 am. She wakes up around midnight, but Damon goes in and hushes her back to sleep. I attribute this to the extra food she's been eating at dinner. Girlfriend has discovered her appetite, and I'm loving it! Around 6 pm, I nurse her and then give her some oatmeal with applesauce. She eats it all! Then I sleep nurse her around 8:30/9 pm. So far this method is working like gangbusters. She has also been eating half a scrambled egg at breakfast.
- After months of da-da this and daddy that, she is finally saying mama, but it comes out meh-meh and she only says it when she wants to nurse. She could actually be saying milk. Who knows?
- We went out to dinner on Saturday. Marlie took a keen interest in one of the waiters. She just stared at him as he poured our water, then she followed him around the restaurant with her eyes. He smiled at her when he noticed her staring and she giggled! Now way, you say?! It gets better! He comes over to say hello and she sticks out her hand as if to say, au chante! Isn't she too young to be flirting?
- I won a coupon for a free carton of Silk Almond Milk from The Cloth Diaper Report this week. :->
Flashback Friday: Dear Sleep
Friday, May 14, 2010

photo credit: Lindsay Wallace
CLOSED...UPrinting Poster Giveaway
Thursday, May 13, 2010
If you regularly plan events then you know a poster can provide the finishing touch. UPrinting.com can supply your grand opening or birthday party with a poster in a variety of popular or custom sizes with full color printing. UPrinting.com is known for their competitive prices and user-friendly ordering process that includes complimentary proofing service. Make a big announcement with posters from Uprinting!
Win It: One lucky Marlie and Me reader is going to receive an 18x24 color POSTER in semi or high gloss from UPrinting.com with FREE UPS Ground Shipping included!
Mandatory first entry: Part 1: Be a current or new follower of Marlie and Me via Google Friend Connect Part 2: Leave a comment stating what you'd use the poster for if you won
Extra Entries: Earn one (1) extra entry for completing each of the following (leave separate comments for each):
Mandatory first entry: Part 1: Be a current or new follower of Marlie and Me via Google Friend Connect Part 2: Leave a comment stating what you'd use the poster for if you won
Extra Entries: Earn one (1) extra entry for completing each of the following (leave separate comments for each):
- Be a current or new subscriber of Marlie and Me via email (subscription must be activated)
- Grab my button (leave the URL where I can find it)
- Blog about this giveaway with a link back to this post ((leave the URL where I can find it)
- This giveaway will end on 5/28/10 at 11:59 pm CST
- Winner will be chosen randomly from all comments posted using Random.org
- The winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond. Please make sure I can contact you either by having an email address visible on your blog profile or leave your email address in your comment(s).
- By accepting the prize, the winner is granting permission to be identified as such.The winner's mailing address will be forwarded to the sponsor for prize fulfillment.
- In the event the prize is not claimed in the allotted time another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US residents only. Must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
- Entries that do not follow instructions or are falsified will be disqualified

CLOSED...$60 CSN Stores Gift Card Giveaway
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
CSN has a network of 200+ online stores where you can purchase everything you need for your home and office from cookware to cribs or even your most specific needs like LED lighting or laptop cases! Whatever you're looking for you are bound to find it at CSN Stores! Here's your chance to shop thanks to CSN Stores...
Win It: One lucky Marlie and Me reader is going to receive a $60 gift card to use at any of the CSN stores!
Mandatory first entry: Part 1: Be a current or new follower of Marlie and Me via Google Friend Connect. Part 2: Leave a comment stating what you'd buy if you won
Extra Entries: Earn one (1) extra entry for completing each of the following (leave separate comments for each):
Win It: One lucky Marlie and Me reader is going to receive a $60 gift card to use at any of the CSN stores!
Mandatory first entry: Part 1: Be a current or new follower of Marlie and Me via Google Friend Connect. Part 2: Leave a comment stating what you'd buy if you won
Extra Entries: Earn one (1) extra entry for completing each of the following (leave separate comments for each):
- Be a current or new subscriber of Marlie and Me via email (subscription must be activated)
- Grab my button (leave the URL where I can find it)
- Blog about this giveaway with a link back to this post ((leave the URL where I can find it)
- This giveaway will end on 5/29/10 at 11:59 pm CST
- Winner will be chosen randomly from all comments posted using Random.org
- The winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond. Please make sure I can contact you either by having an email address visible on your blog profile or leave your email address in your comment(s).
- By accepting the prize, the winner is granting permission to be identified as such.The winner's mailing address will be forwarded to the sponsor for prize fulfillment.
- In the event the prize is not claimed in the allotted time another winner will be chosen. Giveaway is open to US and Canada. Must be at least 18 years of age to participate.
- Entries that do not follow instructions or are falsified will be disqualified
Baby Log: Week 37
Sunday, May 9, 2010
My apologies for be scarce lately. I just haven't had the desire to blog this week. I hope this is just a phase like wearing jelly shoes. I dragged my ass to the computer to just compose this post so that I could wish all of you mommies who read this blog a....
Also, I wanted to share the happenings in Marlie's world this week...
Photo Credit: Weidmaier

- We started off with the realization that Marlie is bored with all of her toys. She doesn't have many, but the few she does have no longer hold her interest. The only "toy" that she never tires of is the dog.
- She has been working on her throwing arm, which she exercises by tossing the above mentioned toys out of her crib.
- She has learned to climb off our bed. She just scoots to the edge and slides right off. She laughs when she gets on the floor like she had performed so magic trick. I half expect her to say ta-da!
- The best part of the week was receiving our first kisses from Marlie! Yes, she is now giving kisses back. They are more open-mouthed licks, but it's the thought that counts! She is amazing.
Photo Credit: Weidmaier
Monday Morning Parenting: Setting Boundaries
Monday, May 3, 2010

At work, even among my circle of friends, I was known for going the extra mile. If you needed help sealing 1000 envelopes for a fundraiser or a ride to the airport...I was your gal. I prided myself on being reliable, the person people turned to when they needed a favor.
But my spirit of generosity was often taken advantage of and I would feel used. This feeling would give way to anger at the user, but I was really mad at myself for giving a mile when I should have gave an inch.
Becoming a mother has taught me how to set reasonable boundaries. Marlie is at that stage where she is trying to assert control. I am learning the balance between letting her have some leeway to explore (her learning) and letting her have her own way (me surrendering). There is a difference and it's a fine line to walk. For instance, Marlie is putting everything in her mouth. This is normal infant behavior. I usually don't stop her unless she picks up something that is dangerous. She recently got hold of a pen off my desk. She wailed when I took it away. I was tempted to give it back so she'd stop crying (mama guilt!). Instead I say no and stuck to my guns even though it pained me to see her in tears (she has big, wet ones too). I guess this why they say, "this hurts me than it hurts you."
I see this phase a dress rehearsal for the bigger standoffs that are ahead such as, "Mommy, can I go to my friend's co-ed sleepover?" Hell-to-the-No! See? Practice makes perfect!
I am thinking of extending this practice of saying no to some of my other relationships with family and friends.
You want borrow $500? N-O!
You want me to make 4 dozen cupcakes at the last minute for a bake sale? N-O!
You want to stay at my house indefinitely while you job hunt? N-O!
Doesn't it feels good to have limits?
Baby Log: Week 36
My friend Tiki and her husband were visiting this week which served as a welcome break from the usual monotony of my daily schedule. She and I hung out while her husband attended a seminar then the four of us had dinner on Friday night. It was a sweet end to an exhausting week:
- Ever since we got back from Miami, Marlie has been...how-should-I-say-this...rather difficult? Her sleep is off and she has developed an aversion to riding in her car seat. Every car trip starts and ends with a crying marathon. What gives, baby girl?
- My theory is that she now equates the car seat with being constrained. She has free range at home. We let her crawl any- and everywhere under our watchful eyes. Translation: watching out to make sure she does not get hurt and does the minimum amount of damage to our things. With so much freedom, no wonder the little rug rat hates being restrained.
- Marlie is working hard at standing up without support. She does this bouncing thing when she is sitting like she is trying to launch herself upright. She loves to use the furniture to pull herself up. She recently learned to stand on her tippy toes to reach for objects that I have pushed out of her reach (too smart!).
- Other things she started doing this week: picking her nose (!), doing the sit-n-spin (cute!), eating teething biscuits (yum!)
- I won some blog giveaways this week: UPrinting postcards at The Redhead Riter and a copy of An Uncertain Pilgrim from Leslie Loves Veggies
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