I am all about the organic lifestyle over here, but I consider myself semi-crunchy. I don't always have resources to get organic food (the money or the shopping know-how). Well, I have no more excuses because the Easy Organic Living Challenge is going to teach me how! Over the next four weeks, I will embark on a journey toward adopting a more organic diet. Each week is focused on a different aspect of organic living (making it affordable, homemade snacks, meal preparation, and awareness about the ingredients in our food)
You should be doing cartwheels too because I will be sharing everything I learn with you on my blog. Plus, there is going to be a giveaway...an reusable shopping tote filled with organic goodies!
You can join the challenges too:
- Save a dollar here, shift a dollar here: you don’t need a bigger budget to start buying organic. Use these tips to save money then shift your savings to organics. This one has already started, visit the Easy Organic Living Group on Baby Center to jump in!
- Invent a snack: You can make your child’s snacks even healthier by using organic ingredients.
- Give a meal an easy makeover: prepare a meal for your family that includes at least one organic ingredient.
- You are what you eat – so what are you eating?: Spend a few minutes this week learning about your food. Read a label!
I hope you you are as excited as I am about going organic! Stay tuned for more posts as I discover how easy organic living is to achieve.
Disclosure: part of the Easy Organic Living program co-hosted by Baby Center and Healthy Child Healthy World and sponsored by Stonyfield
I'm so excited for you to be a part of this challenge. We buy as much as possible organic, but we're lucky, our local grocery store chain has a very reasonable organic and natural (no GMOs) line of staple/pantry items and offers tons of organic produce options. Can't wait to see what changes you're making and what tips you learn!
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