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CLOSED...Fluff and Stuff(ing) Giveaway: Pooters Bamboo OS Pocket Diaper

Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's Day 5 of Fluff and Stuff(ing) and Pooters is on deck!

You can call Pooters a rookie, but not without taking notice of how quickly they've established themselves as an ace player in the cloth diapering arena.

I am a big fan of the Pooters Bamboo One Size Pocket diaper. It has been in my starting line up since I first reviewed it back in February
(see my full review here). Here is the company description of this amazing cloth diaper:

The Pooters Bamboo One Size Pocket diaper feature a soft bamboo layer on the inside, a waterproof PUL layer on the outside, sturdy snaps, elastic leg gussets to prevent leaks, and an extra snap closure* for storing dirty diapers on the go (in the newer version). A 6-layer, bamboo knit insert is included - providing the perfect balance of absorbency for baby without the bulk. This is perhaps the trimmest pocket diaper on the market.

Pooters Bamboo One Size Pocket Diapers retail for $19.95

Win: One lucky Marlie and Me reader is going to receive a Pooters Bamboo One Size Pocket Diaper
!Mandatory first entry: Visit Pooters online and leave a comment with something you learned in the how-to-guides. If you are commenting as Anonymous, please include first name and an email address
Special Extra Entries for this Event:
  • 10 bonus entries if you blogged about this event before November 15th and sent me the link before November 15th. Leave 10 separate comments.
  • 1 bonus entries if you learned about this giveaway on someone's blog (not a linky). Leave a comment with the blog name
All extra entries listed below are worth one (1) additional admission into this giveaway. Please leave a separate comments for each extra entry you complete)Extra Entries for Supporting the Sponsor:
  • Like Pooters on Facebook (leave FB initials)
  • Sign up for weekly specials newsletter (form located on bottom left)
Standard Extra Entries:

  • Be a current or new follower of Marlie and Me via Google Friend Connect
  • Be a current or new subscriber of Marlie and Me via email (subscription must be activated)
  • Grab my button (leave the URL in your comment)
  • Add Marlie and Me to your blog roll (leave the URL in your comment)
  • Follow Marlie and Me at Networked Blogs on Facebook (leave your FB initials)
  • Follow me on Twitter and tweet this message (leave the URL to the tweet in your comment): #win a Pooters OS Pocket Diaper #clothdiapers @Mommy2Marlie #giveaway ends 12.4 http://tinyurl.com/2f4s3fq
  • Vote for Marlie and Me at Picket Fence Blogs (click button above Google Friend Connect widget)
The rules:
  • This giveaway will end on 12/4/10 at 11:59 pm CST
  • Winner will be chosen randomly from all comments posted using random number generator
  • The winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond. Please make sure I can contact you either by having an email address visible on your blog profile or leave your email address in your comment(s).
  • In the event the prize is not claimed in the allotted time another winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to US residents only. Must be at least 18 years of age to participate. Void where prohibited.
  • By accepting the prize, the winner is granting permission to be identified as such.The winner's mailing address will be forwarded to the sponsor for prize fulfillment.
  • The winner has one (1) month from the date of claiming the prize to report any problems (lost shipment, broken product). I will not be responsible for resolving issues after this time.
  • Entries that do not follow instructions or are falsified will be disqualified


Unknown said...

I read the "stinkies" section on stripping since I am currently having that issue. I am going to give some of her tips a try!

sleatherberry at gmail dot com

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Initials SGL

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Quiana said...

I learned from the how-to guide that a piece of fleece soaked in tea tree oil will keep odors at bay in the wet bag

Quiana said...

I like Pooters on FB; my initials are QA

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Anonymous said...

I love that they have instructions for stripping...My (idiot) hubby washed the dipes in NORMAL detergent, and now he can have the pleasure of fixing them!


Anonymous said...

I like Pooters on fb
brandy leigh nelson

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brandy nelson

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brandy leigh nelson

Anonymous said...

I voted on picket fence!

NENSA MOON said...

Hi Teresha,
Popin here to say hi... and wishing you the best!
Love to see your cute kid with that diaper...

Happy Friday to you and your loved family, my sweet friend!

Nikki said...

I read the Stripping section and man is it detailed!!! I've been struggling with stripping a diaper that has desitin on it and they have offered several other options other then Dawn, such as with the Oxyclean I have upstairs! ngiraldi @ gmail . com

Nikki said...

I like Pooters on FB ngiraldi @ gmail . com

Nikki said...

I signed up for Pooters' newsletters ngiraldi @ gmail . com

Nikki said...

I follow you through networked blogs N.G.H. ngiraldi @ gmail . com

Nikki said...

I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 11/18 ngiraldi @ gmail . com

Laura said...

I learned the difference in vinyl and PUL! I've always been curious as to what PUL was, but ive never asked!


Laura said...

I already follow with gfc!


Laura said...

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Laura M


Madeline said...

I learned the steps for stripping diapers.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

I like Pooters on FB. (MDM).

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

Signed up for the weekly specials newsletter.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

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madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

Subscribe via email.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

Have your button at www.clothdiapergiveaways.com.

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

Have you on my blog roll at www.clothdiapergiveaways.com

madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

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madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Madeline said...

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madelinemiller at gmail dot com

Edie S. said...

I read about stripping diapers since I'm currently having a problem with smelly dipes! I didn't know that overuse of vinegar could mess up the PUL!

elsteinmann at gmail dot com

Kristin said...

Something I learned in the how-to guides was about the basic laundering instructions and recommended detergents. My 1st child is not due until May 2011 so I am still learning all I can about the world of cloth diapers!

kristinandkelly09 at gmail dot com

Kristin said...

I am a follower through google friend connect.
kristinandkelly09 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I learned certain foods, such as citrus, can cause diaper rash!


Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

My personal favorite tip from the Money Saving Tips is to make your own Wipes Solution (water, olive oil and lavender oil).
Although, I do suggest you use a recipe more like the one below once baby starts solids.. messy!

8oz Water, 2tbsp Baby Wash of Choice, 2tbsp oil (I use EVOO) & 2-3 drops Tea Tree Oil

rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

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rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

Jenny K said...

I learned that for a 3-6 month old you will need between 15 and 20 diapers.

jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

Jenny K said...

I follow on twitter and tweeted.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

April said...

i learned you can use 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide rather than bleach to get stains out!

taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

April said...

i like pooters on FB


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

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taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

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taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

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taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

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taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

April said...

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taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

April said...

voted on WOTF

taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

Emily said...

The cloth diapering checklist on the Pooters site is awesome. As an expectant mom, this is just what I need.

Emily said...

Subscribed to Pooters list.

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Learned about the blog & giveaway on The Cloth Diaper Report.

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April said...


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

Attila & Tamara said...

I learned that she recommends the following diaper rash creams:

Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm
Baby Bottom Better Diaper Salve
California Baby Calming Diaper Rash Cream
Kindhearted Women Claymazing Powder
Northern Essence Better Butter Cream
Northern Essence Diaper Rash Salve
Grandma El's Diaper Rash Remedy and Prevention

We have been having rash issues so it is always good to have a list of cloth diaper safe creams!

szogediek at yahoo dot com

Attila & Tamara said...

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szogediek at yahoo dot com

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szogediek at yahoo dot com

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szogediek at yahoo dot com

April said...


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

April said...


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

Brandy said...

i learned when and how to strip my diapers!

Brandy said...

i subscribe via email

April said...


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

April said...


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

Josefine said...

I learned that wool dryer balls can cut drying time by up to 40%.

April said...


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

April said...


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

April said...


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

I learned to sample before buying cloth diapers, not to buy a full stash at one time.
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

Like Pooters on Facebook (katie schneider)
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

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kmogilevski at gmail dot com

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kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

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kmogilevski at gmail dot com

April said...


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

Nikki said...

I learned sunshine is the most natural stain remover. As soon as your diapers are finished washing take them outside and lay them (or hang) in the sun. Be sure to add a 1/4 cup (or 4 tablespoons) of white distilled vinegar to the rinse cycle to avoid them feeling crunchy after drying.i follow on gfc

Nikki said...

i am a gfc follower of marlie and me

Nikki said...

i like pooters on fb nikki saull

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Nikki said...

grabbed ur button

April said...


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

Steph said...

I learned about Stripping diapers, as I'm sure I'll have to soon


April said...


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

Jessica King said...

I learned you can boil your diapers on the stove for 15 to 30 minutes and then was regular to help get rid of ammonia.
Sweet20j @ Yahoo.com

Jessica King said...

Liked Pooters on FB
Jessica King
Sweet20j @ Yahoo.com

Jessica King said...

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Sweet20j @ Yahoo.com

Jessica King said...

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Sweet20j @ Yahoo.com

Jessica King said...

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Sweet20j @ Yahoo.com

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Jessica King
Sweet20j @ Yahoo.com

Jessica King said...

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Sweet20j @ Yahoo.com

Jessica King said...

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Sweet20j @ Yahoo.com

Rae said...

I learned that hydrogen peroxide is a safe disinfectant for cloth diapers.

Rae said...

Bonus blog posting special entry #1

Rae said...

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Rae said...

Bonus blog posting special entry #3

Rae said...

Bonus blog posting special entry #4

Rae said...

Bonus blog posting special entry #5

Rae said...

Bonus blog posting special entry #6

Rae said...

Bonus blog posting special entry #7

Rae said...

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Rae said...

Bonus blog posting special entry #9

Rae said...

Bonus blog posting special entry #10

Rae said...

Marlie and Me is listed in my blog roll.

April said...


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

April said...


taprilcrosier @ gmail dot com

Love Katydid said...

I read that the Bummis Trainer is the best potty training pants :)

Love Katydid said...

I like Pooters facebook page :)

Honey + Lime said...

I learned that sunshine is the most natural stain remover and that peroxide is safer than bleach when it comes to getting those stains out. Thanks for the chance!

deannaunderwood at gmail dot com

Honey + Lime said...

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Honey + Lime said...

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