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I was just thinking about how I never saw Why Did I Get Married Too but I did see the first one. I had heard so much negativity about it but I still want to see it. I'll check it out! Thanks for the reminder!
I thought both movies were pretty good. I did however think the second was better. Janet did a really good job on the second film.
You and your korean shows! Lol!
I love "Why Did I Get Married Too?" I thought TP did a great job of showing the characters in a different light and showing that there are different dimensions to the characters.
Now that we have Internet back can't wait to watch those Korean soaps. Especially when our beloved AMC and OLTL go off the air!
And agreed on WDIGM2. Perry's characters can often be simple and one-note but I agree the Janet character was very fleshed out. Probably because she brought her own experiences to the role. I'm just always waiting for him to make an unstereotypical black person. Though I LOVE me some Madea!
I hated her being so bitter in the movie. Especially with her husband dying and her appearing to find love at the end. Overall it was cool.
I must be alone in thinking the first WDIGM movie was good and the second was horrible! Tasha Smith's character was WAY too loud. It was like she did 10X what she did in the first film and that was 10X too much. I hated Janet's character in this one too. I thought she was dead wrong for cutting him out of the profits of the book. Maybe because I disagreed with her so much I found her whole storyline ridiculous. Ugh!
Never heard of the Princess! Sounds interesting. The WDIGM2 wasn't my fav sequel. Like really why did it have to end like that?!
I love your commentary on your nettflix choices. I wonder if Tyler Perry is right about black marriages or if he's just stained by his own personal experiences. I'm not sure what I think of him. I saw him on Oprah, talking about his childhood sexual abuse and it made me very sad for him.
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