For this review, I am going to buy a potty chair to start elimination communication with Marlie. Uh, why didn't someone warn me that it would be so difficult to decide?! Yesterday's simple potty chair has evolved into a 21st century, ergonomic device. After an hour of reading of reading product descriptions and customer reviews, I have narrowed down my choices to these three:


3. The Prince Lionheart PottyPOD is similar to the Bjorn (removable cup), but it has no back rest. A big plus is hat it's the only antimicrobial potty on the market. It sits lower to the ground, but has adjustable height for taller children. The seat looks very comfy! I wish it had sides for her to hold on to for balance. $39.99
So tell me what you think. I especially want to hear if you have a better recommendation for early potty learning. Remember my girl is a lightweight so she needs a potty chair that she isn't go to fall into. Stay tuned to see which potty chair I picked and how we like it!

I bought the Boon Potty Bench but haven't started using it yet. It is sitting in our bathroom and it is nice looking and makes a great stool and place to sit while I bathe my son, so it has multiple uses which I like. The splash guard is definitely removable so that wouldn't be an issue. Sorry I can't be more help, but just thought I'd tell you what I know about the one I have.
I think all potties these days have removeable cups. I think a potty should have handles of some sort so that the baby can life him/herself up from the seat and the parent can just observe. U saw this one and it doubles as a stool.
To be honest...I would take her to the store or show her online and let her pick herself! She will feel excited and know that she picked it out and you will have better luck with training!
I did that with my son and it worked amazing!
We've used 2 kinds of pottys around here.
One was the kind with 40 bazillion parts, the other was a 1 piece molded plastic.
Go with a few pieces as you can and look for one without places for pee to get into crevices that you can't clean.
Our favorite was the "Once Upon a Potty" seat (came with a book) because it was soooooo easy to clean.
Those ones with removeable parts are way harder to clean in my opinion.
Good luck!
I don't like the potty bench one bit! Looks like something to hold kleenex. The splash gaurd doesn't get in the way. #1 is my first pick & number 3 would be next. Not found of the contemporary potty! LOL
Reading this post makes me so glad I'm past the potty training years. Good luck!
I'm voting for the Baby Bjorn potty chair. Love the plastic (easy to wipe off), the removable cup (easy to flush) and the higher back on it (so lil Marlie will be comfy). Can't wait to hear how it works.
#1 for sure. The less lines & groves the better for a potty in my books!
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