So put the kid(s) to bed, grab some Junior Mints, pop in your movie, sit back and enjoy a show!
This week I recommend: Outsourced (not the new NBC show, the movie that it is based upon)

Synopsis: An American marketing manager is sent to India to train his replacement after his company outsources the call center. His anger is fueled by frustration as he struggles to overcome culture clashes to meet work quotas. But he softens after the workers and people teach him a few things about what really matters in life.
My Review: Most Americans view outsourcing as an evil act committed by greedy corporations working in cahoots with greedy foreign governments. I think the movie does an excellent job of telling the other side...the workers in far away countries trying to pass as Americans so that they can realize their dreams of upward mobility. The movie is sometimes simplistic and silly in its portrayals, but it is an honest and funny movie.
I've never even heard of this movie, but the outsourcing is very real in the corporate world. I have mixed emotions, personally. I actually had to train my replacement, but she was a "local", from Boston while I am in the midwest. No India involved in this particular situation, but it WAS at my old job.
Hubs and I might get a movie night tomorrow. Excited!
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