- She hums when she eats.
- She smells everything, including the tissue she used to wipe herself after using the potty.
- She likes to collect lint.
- She likes to drink homemade vegetable broth straight.
- She is easily distracted by talk about robots, dinosaurs (especially T-Rex) and Spider-man. This is the perfect time to comb her hair or brush her teeth.

As a matter of fact, I have found a way to turn her cutesy antics into gold. I submitted this photo to the Messiest Kid Photo Contest at Mom-Blog and it won! Marlie and Me earned a $100 Amazon gift card. We decided that we are going to spend some of it on her little brother or sister.
Anyone watching the Oscars tonight? I am going to tune-in, but I doubt I'll be able to stay up to see the Best Picture award. This year, I've only seen one movie in that category, The Help. For some reason I have no urge to see the remaining nominated films. Entertainment Weekly has a great column making the case for why Bridesmaids and Rise of the Planet of the Apes (two movie I did see and enjoyed immensely) should have been nominated and how the Academy Awards have lost touch with the movie-going population.
Congrats on the great win!
I'm not much of an Oscar fan, I'll probably watch something I recorded on the DVR instead.
Congrats on the win! That is funny that you can distract by bringing up certain subjects. I wished that worked here!
Oh my goodness! What a big girl! That yogurt hair treatment is cracking me up. Totally something my toddler would have pulled.
LOL! Congrats on the giftcard. I guess it was worth it right?
I saw The Artist on our way back from Nigeria and it took 3 attempts for me to finish it (the silent aspect kept making me fall asleep!), but I thoroughly enjoyed it and knew it would win.
I'd love to see Chris Rock back hosting the Oscars. I like Billy but Chris is much more engaging to me.
This picture reminds me of a phase my son (now 4 years old) went through when he was 2 where he put applesauce in his hair everytime I gave it to him for a meal! It was a horrible mess, but kinda funny! LOL
:) I wish I could turn all of my 2 year old's moments she upsets me into money! lol
These Toddler Logs that you do are genius!
Her little oddities are awesome and no surprises the picture won...so cute.
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