Marlie: Is Halloween happen already mommy?
Me: Yes
Marlie: So no more Halloween?
Me: Nope
Marlie: Why not?
Me: Because it's finished.
Marlie: Why it finished?!
Me: (rolling eyes) It's over for now until next time.
Marlie: But my candy is gone, the bad wolf took it! (side note: She got plenty of treats, but we threw out/gave away the bulk. Then her father told her the Big Bad Wolf stole it. Nice, I know)
Me: But you got to eat some of it, right?
Marlie: But the Bad Wolf took the rest of it and he took my bucket and went on the plane to see his family. And I need to go on the plane so I can get my bucket back and he not going to blow my house down cause I'm Batman!
Me: Okay then!
When I see you post this, I head right over. These conversations are very cute!
Love this post!! She is so cute and I can't wait to have these kind of talks with my future daughter!
Hahah so cute!! I can't wait till my toddler starts talking too.
LMAO - I have a pink power ranger honey-badger living in my house that totally sounds like something she would say
I love this!!! My little brother says the silliest things but its adorable because they make complete sense to him!
Kids are so funny! Our car talks are some of my favorite little chats ever, it seems like when they are "trapped" they have so much to say!
LMAO, And that is why I love children. Convos like this are a staple in my home every day after school Too cute!
So cute! Love that she wants to go on the plane to retrieve her basket (not the candy)and isn't afraid of the big bad wolf.
Oh my that is cute!
Her train of thought is just so darn cute!
Too funny that she filled in the rest of the storyline for Damon! She is really creative! I'm very reassured to know you'll all be safe though, having Batman around must be nice. :-)
Adorable! I love little one's train of thought in conversations. So cute!
She is a doll baby! I'd love to hear some more of her words of wisdom. :)
That is just too funny! You need to link it up on my Sat laughs this week!
LOL Kids say the darnest things. If you have a linky let me know.
Go Batman Marlie! I soooo was not expecting that twist at the end. Love her!
Haha! How cute!!
Just found your blog through Sat. Top 5 Laughs :)
So cute!!! Kids do say the funniest things!
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