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Summer Splash Giveaway Entry Form

Monday, May 14, 2012

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Alisha K said...

I do know how to swim and I learned very young my parents put me in swimming lessons in pre-k.

Janet W. said...

I don't really know how to swim. I can't stand going under water. I can float on my back if I ever fell off a boat!

Emily said...

I know enough to save myself, but I wouldn't want to be in charge of saving anyone else. I took swimming lessons as a kid, but my mom is afraid of water, so I think that rubbed off on me.

jenspurg said...

I learned as a kid. Keep trying, it's something everyone should learn.

longsgl said...

I do know how, I took swim lessons as a kid. My best advice is to just go for it.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I learned to swim when i was really young and years of cold morning swimming lessons
vmkids3 at msn dot com

Jessica said...

I know how to swim and I dont remember when I learned

Karen Joyce said...

Yes I know how to swim. I think I was about 7 or 8. As an adult maybe classes at your local YMCA or even a private instructor at a neighborhood pool. Anywhere where you feel safe but it's certainly worth it to know how to swim!

AnnaZed said...

I can swim. I learned via an extended and slightly traumatic (really, a little bit) series of lessons in an indoor pool in New Orleans where I grew up. I was about 6 years old. My mother just watched from the side.

The Rafflecopter calls me 'Margot' since it is accessing my facebook where I am 'Margot C __' and is connected to this email:

annazed10 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Kirstie said...

I can. I learned when I was about 3 and we lived across the street from a lake.

carole said...

dont swim and have no intion of learning...hate water!

Katrina said...

I learned how to swim as a baby and it was a great decision on my parent's part because now I am at ease in the water.

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

d schmidt said...

I learned when I was around nine but had an accident and developed a major phobia after

Kendal said...

I learned to swim when I was about 4years old in a public pool. I learned to hold my breath and then swim under water first if I remember correctly.

Renee B. said...

I learned when I was 4 at the local Y

Kristi said...

I know how, I learned when I was young by taking lessons.

Catie said...

I do not know how to swim! I never learned, but I'm willing.

Anonymous said...

I learned when I was a young child.

Judy said...

Yes, I know how to swim, but I did not learn until I was about 25. My mother was deathly scared of water, my husband taught me how. Everyone needs to know how to swim, you need to put your children in swimming classes to learn how to swim correctly.

Unknown said...

I learned how when I was in middle school. amypugmire@live.com

Rebecca Williams said...

I learned to swim in the 5th grade, my mom put me in lessons.
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com

Amy M said...

I've been swimming since I was very little. My advice, take professional lessons from someone you feel comfortable with but aren't very close to. It can be really hard to learn new skills when it's a spouse or close friend trying to teach you.

KatieO said...

Yes, I learned to swim when I was 3 or 4. My biggest tip is that it's not hard, you just have to get in the water!

Chelsea Preston said...

I learned to swim when I was 13 we moved to a house with a pool and I just jumped in and kicked myself up from the bottom of the pool then doggie paddled my way to the edge.

Sue E said...

I can swim a little, but I would like to learn to swim well.


dailymom said...

Yes, I know how to swim, my aunt taught me when I was a child

Anonymous said...

I do NOT know how to swim and I do want to learn. Also I want my daughter to learn:)

jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

JGurleyCoupons said...

I learned to swim as a child, but as I have gotten older, I am getting worse at it

Yona Williams said...

I learned in college - it was a requirement to graduate so I took lessons with a girl from the swim team. I can swim a little now, but I am not confident. Email: yona(at)pricelesswriters.com

Unknown said...

I know how to swim... and learned around age 5. As an adult, I'd check out the YMCA. It's very low-pressure, and laid-back usually.

Facebook Name: Leslie Galloway (www.facebook.com/GallowayLeslie)

SqueakersmomMN said...

I know how to swim a bit, enough to save myself and another person (as I have done once for one of my cousins). I was one of the kids lucky enough to have swimming lessons as a required part of elementary school.
I think that you should take private lessons with an instructor that has a lot of experience with teaching adults as we tend to learn differently that children.

Monja Blue said...

My grandfather taught me, then I took lifesaving lessons when I was older. Squeakersmom said it, adults need a separate space to learn. Check out YMCA classes in your area.

Megomania said...

Yes I know how to swim. Tip? Relax and your body will naturally float!

Jessica said...

Yes, I know how to swim. My sisters and I used to take swimming lessons every summer when we were kids
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

I can swim but I'm not very good. I've never really enjoyed the water much.

Lily's Muscle Journey said...

Love swimming! Learned how to back when I was in 3rd grade all the way through 12th grade. I taught my hubby to swim. And now, 3 of our kids can swim (better than me lol) and our youngest will take swim lessons when she is older too! I think it's one of the best things you can do is teach your child to swim.

Jenna Jones said...

I learned to swim when i was youngs so i have no tips!

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

I do know how to swim and my advice is to relax and keep practicing.

Jodi said...

yes i had swim lessons as a kid

Anonymous said...

I don't know how, and i dont care to learn. i put my kids in classes so they can learn

Tamera Westhoff said...

I know basics, but was afraid of going under the water, so never learned when I was a kiddo. I want to change that for my kiddos!

sweepinmomma123 said...

I do not know how to swim. I would love to learn but when I was a small kid, I almost drown so I totally freak out when in the pool

Kelly* said...

My mom took my sister and I to the pool every summer when we were little. We just kinda learned on our own, I think some people just instinctively know how.

Unknown said...

think i have been swimming since i was born.. same with my kids... just go in and have at it!

Anonymous said...

I learned when I was really young! My best advice would be to learn with someone you're comfortable with. The last thing you want is to be extra stressed in an already stressful situation! -Brooke M Adametz

Dawn said...

I learned to swim from lessons from the YMCA. I would tell an adult to get time in the water by just walking laps in the shallow end. By getting used to the water and coming to peace with it, this will lead to a more relaxing entry to learning how to swim.

Calibee said...

I learned how to swim when I was a young child, about 4 or 5 so I want my children to learn young too.

Unknown said...

i can kinda swim but not very good at all

Danielle Williams said...

I learned as a kid my parents taught me

Kris said...

I never got the hang of it as a kid - i want to learn how because it is good, low impact exercise

Chelsey said...

I learned to swim young, probably around 4. My advice is to start in a shallow pool, with an instructor.

RebeccaWM said...

I learned how to swim as child by taking lessons at a local country club. A lot of gyms and country clubs have lessons for both children and adults, so I think that is a good way to learn.

ellen_levickis said...

I do not know how to swim, but I do not wish to learn. I love water but I absolutely hate getting my face wet.

Pinky Sade said...

I know how to swim when I was a kid. My parents sent me to classes and I didn't learn much cos I didn't like the teacher. My tip is to find a good instructor you feel comfortable with

jamie w said...

i learned how to swim when i was a little kid

Mayla Moore said...

I think I learned when I was about 5 or 6.

DesiredOne said...

I love to swim and I can't recall when I learned to swim, I was very young. My husband however doesn't know how to swim and I am trying to teach him. It has been a tough challenge. His mother almost drowned when he was young and he has a fear of swimming now. But we are working on it, slowly.

Kelly A. Tanner said...

I can froggy swim and doggie paddle but I do not know how to stroke swim very well. - Kelly A. Tanner

Marthalynn said...

I do know how to swim, but not like an athlete. A family friend taught me how when I was about 10.

polly said...

i learned how to swim when i was a toddler....we were in the pool or lake all the time

Unknown said...

I learned how to swim as a child. My parents put us in swim lessons. Best tip: don't let the swim coach instruct a sibling (my older sister) to save you. She could take her sweet time throwing that ring out to the deep end. lol

wpogrant said...

I do know how to swim and I learned very young

Unknown said...

I know how to swim and I took swimming lessons as a young child. Tip would be just to start off small and do it. If you are in the shallow end then you could just stand up :]

Stephanie H. said...

I love to swim and I definitely know how to swim. I learned how to swim as a baby. Starting in Mom's and Tots. My advice would be to start by finding a swim class. But if that is too embarrassing, then find a friend that is a very good swimmer and see if they will work with you one on one. I also strongly recommend relaxing because being scared makes swimming much harder.

Jennifer said...

I tried when I was little and didn't really get it, then when I was about ten it just clicked


I Love Coupons & Giveaways said...

I know how to swim and I have no idea when I learned.. must have been when I was really small
Renee Sapone

Krystal said...

Yes, I can swim. I learned how when I was really young...I don't ever remember not knowing how!

Carmen Van Deursen said...

No, I can't swim. Yes, I would love to learn.

aliciaz said...

I learned how to swim at an early age. My biggest tip is not to be afraid of the water alicia82277 at yahoo dot com

Jane said...

Took lessons as a kid

Michelle and Lakeon said...

i do know how to swim. Not sure the age I learned but I was young

Alicia said...

I can "swim," if you only consider the fact that I can stay afloat and get through the water in a semi-orderly fashion. Ever since I was a kid, swim instructors never seem to think I can swim, though, because I don't "do it right." It seems I have a phobia of putting my face into the water....hm.

amy craft said...

Learned to swim when I was a preschooler. My daughter will begin taking swimming lessons this summer.

Anonymous said...

I learned to swim when I was 3 or 4, so I don't really remember learning, I just remembering doing it.

price21100 said...

I learned how to swim at our local YMCA when I was young

Kelmomola said...

I do know how to swim. I learned when I was a young child. Kelly F.

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

Patricia Wojnar Crowley

I can tread water...so I won't die right away if I'm dropped into the middle of the ocean...LOL

hippiemama86 said...

Yes, my parent's had a pool growing up, so I was in it from the time I was about 3-4 months old! I learned to swim on my own when I was 2-3 years old. I really don't remember much... but, I'm in the process of teaching my 2 year old son now. I think a really easy step is laying back in the water and just learning to float. Then moving on to the doggy paddle is probably easiest. :)
Amanda Laurette

Unknown said...

I learned to swim when I was little but I don't swim much so I'm not very good. I should probably take some classes. Maybe I'll take some when we put our son in swim classes.

Mom Caboodle said...

Yes, I know how to swim. I don't know what age I learned because I was too young to remember.

Denise Taylor-Dennis said...

I learned to swim as a young child so I have no idea what it is like to learn as an adult maybe they have classes.

Joanne said...

I took swimming lessons as a little girl. It was so fun!

richelle bowers said...

yes i learned when i was about 11 or 12.
richelle bowers

julz said...

i always knew how to swim, someone threw me into the river when i was 5...so i learned by surviving

Unknown said...

I learned how to swim as a young kid through the local community program. I swam competitively in middle and high school and taught lessons for several years. I taught all ages, including adults and my biggest tip is to get comfortable in water. If you aren't relaxed in the water, it's 10x harder to learn anything!

DC said...

I learned to swim when I was very young; I don't remember how old I was. Here is my tip: move your arms and legs and voila! You're swimming :)

Lori B said...

I was a water baby! Mom had me swimming about the same time I learned to walk.

Tamar said...

It scared me to learn how to swim but I did it when I was 6.

Anonymous said...

yes relax dont panic carol roberts ccntx@live.com

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do swim. I learned when I was about 5.

Angela W said...

I learned to swim when I was 6 or 7. My tip is do not panic!

The NEW Mommiez Blend said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The NEW Mommiez Blend said...

I do know how to swim. I would suggest taking an adult swim lesson class after becoming comfortable with the water. Some are so fearful they don't go near it. Figure out how to get over that first if that's the case.


Wild N Mild $$$ said...

I can swim to save my life and don't care to learn more than that.

Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I learned when I was around 12, I am not that great of a swimmer, but my best advice is ONLY do what you feel comfortable with. You can get into trouble quickly and before you even realize it.

Julie Lynn Bickham said...

Yes I know how to swim. I didn't learn until I was about 8 years old.

Holly S. said...

I actually don't know how to swim. I'd like to learn.

Holly S.

MissMannah said...

I do know how to swim, but I'm not very good. I took lessons when I was a kid but I guess I didn't practice enough because it didn't stick. My husband used to swim competitively and I keep telling him he needs to teach me better strokes.

Bridget said...

I know how to swim but not very well.

Tracey.A said...

I have swam since I was 2 or 3, and the same with my kids. It's always a good idea to teach them young, and if your older and do not know how to swim, check with your local YMCA as they give lessons to adults who can't swim at reasonable prices

hhkaufman78 said...

I learned how to swim when I was a child. I have 2 little boys that do not know how to swim, but I plan on teaching them this summer.

eg kaufman

Unknown said...

Yes. I learned growing up on an island. My tip is get over your fear by holding your breath underwater. Learn to relax.

Carrie said...

I learned to swim as a kid, but I had to take lessons twice. I can't float, though.

fancygrlnancy said...

I do know how to swim.. I learned as a kid. I would say get yourself comfortable with the water and take some lessons.

CAJUNMAN12 said...

I have been swimming since I was 2 years old. The key for an adult to learn how to swim is not to be afraid of the water. I suggest that you use a life jacket at first. it will keep you afloat until you improve

Cathy C said...

i can't swim very well and often think about taking lessons

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Sarah said...

I can't swim, but I'd love to learn!

katie klein said...

I grew up always near and in the water so swimming was like walking to me. Learn young the sooner the better.

April Elizabeth said...

i started swim class at 6 months old and so did my daughter.

sweetsue said...

I am a very poor swimmer. My mom was so worried that I would drown, that she rarely let me near the water.
(Susan Chester)

Gala said...

my Dad tough me when I was 6

Becoming The Me I Want to Be said...

I learned to swim when I was 3
nikki bergin

J. Olson said...

I know enough to get by so I won't drown but I mainly just float there :) I don't really have any tips.

Unknown said...

I learned how to swim by the time I was 5. I've taken multiple classes of different types over the last 20 years. I've taught all 3 of my younger sisters to swim, as well as all 3 of my kids. The best advice I can give is to relax, be confident, be cautious, stay within your comfort zone starting out, and have fun!

Unknown said...

I don't know how to swim but I do want to learn.


makeetis said...

I learned when I was about 10 years old...I just kept trying until I got it,
Amy Brewer

hundahar said...

I don't remember when I first learned how to swim, but I can remember my dad carrying me into the pool.

Unknown said...

I learned how to swim at age 8 or 9 by taking lessons. My MOM however did not learn til well into her 40's. she took a class with a bunch of little kids at our local pool. I gave her lots of credit from going from being afraid to put her head under at ALL to full swimming. My advice is it's NEVER too late to learn and is in my opinion as important as learning to drive a car. A life lesson well learned that may save yours or someone else's life.

ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

Jaime Nicole said...

Yes, I learned to swim when I was 7!

Sabrina B Radke said...

I don't know how to swim! I can tread water and not drowned but I can't do laps or anything! I would love to learn to swim!
sabrina radke
sradke1024 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I do know how but didn't learn until I was 10 because I was afraid of the water.

~April~ said...

My Aunt taught me to swim when I was around 10... She started me out floating so I would know how if I got scared I could always just float till she could get to me. lol.

Unknown said...

I took swimming lessons when I was in 5th grade. I'm gonna make sure my son takes swimming lessons too while he's young.

Kelly said...

I learned when I was little, my dad always had us in the pool or at the beach. i would say, just relax and start slow..

Charlotte said...

I learned to swim as an infant.

Jessica B. said...

yes but i dont remember when and how i learned

SuperMom3128 said...

I learned to swim when I was about 4. My best advice for an adult learning is to be confident in yourself.
LoryAnn Payne
l_dog542 at yahoo dot com

Chevelle said...

I do know how to swim. I took lessons at a community center/YMCA when I was probably 9 or so & did so for a few years to practice to be a lifeguard... which I never ended up doing. haha. My tip would be to get lessons :) They will help tremendously. Don't leave it up to chance :)


oopscdazee said...

My parents taught me way before I can remember. I taught my kids to swim when they were toddlers. I am now teaching my grandchildren. The best way to learn is to get in the water and practice, deep enough to get off the bottom but not deep enough to get scared.


Emilie C said...

I've always known how to swim, I don't really have any tips because it all kind of came naturally

Tonya Dean said...

I don't know how to swim but my daughter is great at it.


Faythe said...

I am really not much of a swimmer. I dog paddle the best, LOL. thanks for hosting such a nice prize :o) gramousetails AtGmail com

Gena @ Life With Captain Fussybuckets said...

Sadly, I can't swim. :( I took lessons but was too afraid. My hubby is a lifeguard though, so our boys WILL swim!

hedgerhousehold said...

learned to swim at a young age....while still in diapers
jenhedger at hotmail dot com

Cheap Is The *New* Classy said...

I do not how to swim, I learned as a child. :)


Jennifer Young said...

No, I do not know how to swim well. I'd love to learn!

Paol Trenny said...

yes, i learned how to swim around 12 y/o but i am not a strong swimmer - Paul T / Pauline T…pls use emscout9 at hotmail dot com instead of gmail to contact me

molly.frenzel said...

I learned to swim when I was a baby. Babies take to water like fish.

coleycoupons said...

i learned to swim when i was little.. i guess my advice would be start slow and dont give up!

Ms Penny Pincher said...

I do know how to swim! I taught myself when I was 10!

Unknown said...

yes I know how to swim. I don't know when I learned, from what I can remember I always knew but I am sure that isn't so. lol

myfreebi3s at yahoo dot com

Yipperbear said...

learned at age 12 with help of special teacher was afraid of water because i almost drowned when i was 6 my advice find someone TRAINED to teach an adult to swim judy gregory

Bridget said...

I learned to swim when I was 5 years old by taking swimming lessons.

Jan Messali said...

I do know how to swim, but I'm not the best at it. I took a few lessons as a kid, but not many. We never had a pool.

tjmetz said...

I do know how to swim, learned at around 6-7 years old all by myself. All I can recommend is to practice!

kroch said...

I learned to swim when I was a toddler by taking swim lessons and practicing at the beach. To an adult I would suggest trying to first become comfortable in the water and then practicing as much as possible

Katie R.
dancehottie1621 at aol dot com

Kasee said...

I learned to swim when I was 4 years old, and while I'm not a strong swimmer, I'm confident that I can save any of my children should they have trouble. The 1 tip that I can offer is to stay calm in an emergency. If you panic in the water, you waste energy. Energy that you may need to expend elsewhere.

slogan1990 said...

I don't remember when I learned to swim...long ago lol

Erin S said...

I grew up at a swim club down the road and a pool in my backyard..can't remember exact age because I have always been around water

Francine Anchondo said...

I learned to swim when i was little without swimming lessons I loved the water. My best advice would be try not to be afraid and go as much as possible to get used to being in the water.

Teresa Thompson said...

I was so young when I began swimming that I dont remember. I taught my kids to swim by the age of 3. marine.mom42@hotmail.com Teresa Thompson

Unknown said...

thru the ymca at about 6. my kids were born swimmers. i taught them very young

Anonymous said...

I learned to swim when I was about 5. I can hold my own but I'm not very comfortable in deep water.

Anonymous said...

I learned how to swim when I was about 10 or so.

Lisa Weidknecht said...

I learned to swim as a young child.

Unknown said...

I know how to swim... the secret to learning is first you need to learn to float... after that its all easy... I learned from a neihbor up the street...


Unknown said...

I have been swimming before I can remember, my dad had me in class since I was very young. My advice for learning how to swim is to learn how to float, to give yourself a go to while learning. Next, learn how to tread water. When you are working o swimming strokes start with the breast stroke.

{ Mom of 3 Dolls } said...

I can't swim and not really interested to learn. It is just too tiring! I can float, though.

Unknown said...

I've been swimming as long as I can remember, it's one of my favorite things to do. I don't really have a tip, I wish I did.
Sherry Conrad
discriminating_diva at yahoo dot com

"Iowa Mom" said...

yes - age 3

Jen said...

I can swim, but dont really like to,

Unknown said...

i did not learn to swim until i was 16, dont have any tips, all i can do is doggy paddle

christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

bmom76 said...

My dad taught me when I was five at a local lake. My tip would be to not be afraid.
chelsea r

Sarah VM said...

I learned how to swim at my friend's house when I was 9.

cswoveland said...

i learned at 5 (fb) shelly radury swoveland

Sandra said...

I do know how to swim. I learned as a small child.. maybe around 4 years of age or so.

Unknown said...

i never was really taught but am now kind of self taught.

Mom said...

I learned very young. My mom was always by a pool or ocean! My tip would be to take it one step at a time!

Candice said...

I learned when I was 5 and my cousin threw me in the pool and told me to swim or drown. Fun. But, after that, I joined the swim team and did well. My tip is take it slow, start by swimming where you can still touch the bottom and go somewhere where there aren't a lot of kids jumping and splashing around you.
candicesweeps at yahoo dot com

Siamapieceofcake said...

I keep air in my lungs as I swim. It helps me stay afloat.

michedt said...

Well, I know how to swim...but not well underwater. I CAN, I just really don't like to. And I float really easily, so it's hard for me to stay under.

Catherine R said...

I am an okay swimmer- Not strong and I won't go over my head.

Grace Matthews said...

I almost drown when I was young so I never learned how to swim but would love to

Ellen C. said...

I can barely swim but my children are going to go through swimming classes so they can learn. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

Learned when I was a kid. My father taught me to swim

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