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This week was a eventful...
- We woke up to snow on Sunday. I was not happy to see it. I think winter wanted to make one last impression before it retired. Thankfully it melted by midday.
- Being able to crawl forward has opened up a whole new world for Marlie. Chasing after her all day is the most exercise I've gotten in awhile. She likes to crawl under our bed and pull things out. Damon says babies have an impeccable knack for turning the most innocuous things into choking hazards. He said this after observing her pull pieces from the shag rug and proceed to put them in her mouth. yikes! Time for baby proofing.
- She also started chewing the rail of her crib. I immediately put on the rail cover. One of her bottom teeth is crowning (so exciting!) so she gums everything in sight.
- The bum scratching has started again. I am so frustrated because I have been avoiding dairy. So I took her to the pediatrician who seemed as baffled as me, but theorized that the fluctuation in the temperature as the cause. I did some online research and began to wonder if the detergent I use on her cloth diapers is the culprit. Then I talked to Maj of Pooters and when I mentioned that I have an HE washing machine she said it might not be filling up with enough water to the rinse out the soap. Bingo! From now on I am going to wash her diapers on extra rinse cycles several times to make sure there is no detergent residue. If that doesn't solve her skin irritation then I'm taking her to a pediatric dermatologist.
- Someone commented this week that she looks like me. I must admit that it made me smile.
- We hung out with Maj and Khari on Friday. I was wiped out by the end of the day, but it was a lot of fun.
- I didn't win any giveaways this week, but I got a new car! It is a silver Scion and is 4 doors of heaven on wheels.
It's good to see that things are going well for you guys. :) We use disposable diapers and my little guy (now almost two) has always had an itchy bum. I can't figure it out. We've changed a lot of things, diaper brands, lots of air out times, different lotions, different bath soaps...I just think his skin is extra dry so we really lather him with lotion and it tends to help. A lot. I hope your rinse cycle change-up works, though! Good luck.
Thanks for posting about the HE washing machine. V's excema has been getting worse and worse lately, even though we haven't made any changes. We also have an HE machine and it is hard to find Dreft in the HE formula, so I'd been using the non-HE formula for the last month (Dreft is the only detergent that no one in my household is allergic to). I'm going to try doing some extra rinses also and see if that helps.
I remember those crib rail biting days! They really go at that rail when they want to :) Glad you had a good week. Congrats on the car. It sounds cute!
Aaaw! Thanks for keeping us up to date on the Princess! I LOVED that rail-gumming stage! Take pics, because the way their little eyes raise up while their mouths stay affixed to the relief-filled rails is such a beautiful sight! Best of luck with the detergent issue, I hope the proposed solution works for her!
Also, DUH! -- she totally looks like you :)
Just today I said to myself that it's time to start thinking about babyproofing. Particularly since my son managed to tear a piece of paper from something innocuous and then tried to eat it. He isn't crawling yet but he can scoot around on his belly.
Just today I said to myself that it's time to start thinking about babyproofing. Particularly since my son managed to tear a piece of paper from something innocuous and then tried to eat it. He isn't crawling yet but he can scoot around on his belly.
Baby proofing already! Wow! She is such a big girl ; )
Love the family picture by the way and yes, she does look like you!
Good luck with the rash. I just caught onto that second and third rinse cycle and it has done wonders for Cedella's behind.
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