The weather has been awesome. No rain and temperatures in the mid-60s. It was so pleasantly warm that I walked the kids to the organic ice cream shop after our park play date on Friday. On the way home I saw the most beautiful hummingbird in a flower garden. It was iridescent and just stopped me in my tracks. I fumbled in the diaper bag for my camera and scared it away.
Our mortgage bank accepted an offer on our home in Dallas. It will be a short sale, but that's better than no sale and foreclosure!
Toddler Log: 3 Years and 22 Weeks Old

I don't know when she learned about dying. After a I squashed an ant she I told me I "died" it.
Baby Log: 40 Weeks Old

Glad the bank accepted the offer. Everything selling around here is short sales. For some reason, your description of Desmond nursing doesn't make me miss breast feeding at all, though photos of nursing babies always does, I wonder why that might be....could it because it sounds more like the description of a professional wrestling match?!?! :-) Good luck with that!
I'm laughing out loud at your description of your kids. Naveen was a real pincher. Now when he's not pleased he slaps me. Shaune is very adamant that we give him a time out but it seems harder for me. He seems like such a baby to me. Shaune constantly reminds me that we were giving Deaglan time outs at 2.5.
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