Shop: There are 200+ CSN Stores to shop at online!
Win: One lucky Marlie and Me reader is going to win a $35 electronic gift certificate to spend at any of the CSN Stores
Mandatory first entry: Check out the swing sets at CSN at leave a comment with your favorite
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- Vote for Marlie and Me at Picket Fence Blogs (click button above Google Friend Connect widget)
- This giveaway will end on 2/6/11 at 11:59 pm CST
- Winner will be chosen randomly from all comments posted using a random number generator
- The winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond.
- Please make sure I can contact you either by having an email address visible on your blog profile or leave your email address in your comment(s). In the event the prize is not claimed in the allotted time another winner will be chosen.
- This giveaway is open to US/Canada. Must be at least 18 years of age to participate. Void where prohibited.
- By accepting the prize, the winner is granting permission to be identified as such.The winner's mailing address will be forwarded to the sponsor for prize fulfillment.
- The winner has one (1) month from the date of claiming the prize to report any problems (lost shipment, broken product). I will not be responsible for resolving issues after this time.
- Entries that do not follow instructions or are falsified will be disqualified

I like the Redwood Circus.
I like the Flexible Flyer - 42546T - Play-A-Round FUN Swing Set
because we love swings and this one has 3
I follow csn stores on fb
chris S
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I like the Little Tikes Toddler Swingset. It's perfect for my 3-year-old son to play on.
I would love a bathroom scale. amypugmire@live.com
fb fan of csn. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
I follow csn on twitter. 1amypugmire. amypugmire@live.com
email subscriber. amypugmire@live.com
voted for u on picket fence blogs. amypugmire@live.com
I money were no object I would get this one:
It's a castle! So neat!
sleatherberry at gmail dot com
Follow CSN on Fb Stacie G. L.
sleatherberry at gmail dot com
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sleatherberry at gmail dot com
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I can't figure out how to get just the url of the tweet here...
sleatherberry at gmail dot com
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sleatherberry at gmail dot com
I like the Swing'n'Slide Chesapeake.
I like this swingset:
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I like CSN on Facebook with my username Mary Happymommy.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
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mami2jcn at gmail dot com
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mami2jcn at gmail dot com
The Gorilla Playsets - blrc - Blue Ridge Chateau Swing Set is gorgeous!
I like CSN on facebook. tammi v.
I follow you on networked blogs. Tammi V.
I voted for you on picket fence blogs.
I follow this blog. I would like the panasonic rice cooker with glass lid in silver. Thanks.
I like the Naturally Playful Adventure Lodge Play Center and Swing Set with Glider
szogediek at yahoo dot com
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ID: @szogediek
szogediek at yahoo dot com
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szogediek at yahoo dot com
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szogediek at yahoo dot com
My favorite swing set is the Step2 - 709500 - Naturally Playful Adventure Lodge Play Center and Swing Set with Glider
Follow CSN Stores on Facebook [Geri S]
Follow CSN Stores on Twitter @Gerisandoval
Follow Marlie and Me via GFC [Geraldine Sandoval]
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Follow Mommy2Marlie on twitter @Gerisandoval
I just voted for Marlie and Me! @ We're on the Fence
I like this one best:
brandielam3 at gmail dot com
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brandielam3 at gmail dot com
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brandielam3 at gmail dot com
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brandielam3 at gmail dot com
Voted WOTF
brandielam3 at gmail dot com
I like the Gorilla Playsets Big Skye I Swing Set.
I have to go check out the swingsets! My daughter has outgrown her playset. I'm sure I'm not following the rules but I'm not entering the contest. Just loving that swing!
I like the Winchester Wood set! Love CSN!
My little niece and nephews would like this one: http://www.swingsetsandmore.com/Little-Tikes-612398-JD1349.html
Thanks for the giveaway!
misterjimmy at sbcglobal dot net
I was on a blog hop and signed up as your newest follower then I saw your awesome giveaway. Please sign me up!
Hope you can stop on over to my blog sometime to say hi!
Swing-n-Slide - PB 8210 - Winchester Wood Complete Swing Set I would like this one.
Daily tweet
I like the Swing-n-Slide Chesapeake Wood Complete Swing Set.
Thanks for the chance.
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
CSN Stores FB fan: Bekki Orr
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
CSN Stores Twitter follower: @bekki1820cb
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
Follower via GFC. Rebecca O
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
Email subscriber. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
play around fun swing set
kaefree at gmail dot com
The redwood circus looks awesome!
bigkittytalks at yahoo dot com
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bigkittytalks at yahoo dot com
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bigkittytalks at yahoo dot com
Voted on Picket Fence.
bigkittytalks at yahoo dot com
I like the Gorilla Playsets - 01-0002 - Congo Free Standing Swing Set
cjwallace43 at gmail dot com
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You have just voted for Marlie and Me!
I like the Swing-n-Slide - PB 8210 - Winchester Wood Complete Swing Set!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Follow CSN on FB (Henria O.)!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
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sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
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sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Voted for you at PFB!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
I like this one http://www.swingsetsandmore.com/Flexible-Flyer-42546T-FFL1002.html
because it has a see saw and is simple and affordable.
cheapnchoosy at gmail
I already like CSN Stores on Facebook as Amy Hawkins Walker
cheapnchoosy at gmail
I follow CSN stores on Twitter as @cheapnchoosy.
cheapnchoosy at gmail
I'm a new follower GFC
cheapnchoosy at gmail
I like this one: http://www.swingsetsandmore.com/Gorilla-Playsets-BRRSS-GOR1115.html
Like csn on twitter @suburbsanity.
Follow csn on twitter @suburbsanity.
I'm a gfc follower:)
You are on my blogroll http://suburbsanity.com
Networked blogs follower @suburbsanity.
Twitter follower and tweet: https://twitter.com/suburbsanity/status/33154765156253696
Voted @ Picket Fence.
This is my favorite swing set:
Flexible Flyer - 42016T - Swing N Glide III Gym Set
Fan of CSN on FB
Maria B
Following CSN on Twitter
Following on Networked Blogs
Maria b
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You have just voted for Marlie and Me!
Added button to our blog:
I like the Little Tikes - 612398 - Clubhouse Swing Set.
I follow CSN Stores on Facebook (Anne-Marie T)
I Follow CSN Stores on Twitter (@amt946)
Following you on Twitter (amt946) and tweeted.
I am following on Facebook Networked blogs (Anne-Marie T)
I am following on Google Friend Connect (Anne-Marie T)
I really like the Swing Town Sequoia Swing Set
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I would love the Gorilla Playsets - BRRSS - Blue Ridge Frontier Swing Set
follow CSN on facebook; Misty VanEpps
I like CSN Stores on facebook (Jessica Miller)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
follow CSN on twitter; mommy2skie
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
follow you with networked blogs.
misty vanepps
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Love the Blue Ridge Frontier set
I like CSN stores on fb
Diana Bradford Hatch
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Here is my favorite:
jdawson02 at gmail dot com
I follow CSN on twitter as giveawaysetc.
jdawson02 at gmail dot com
I'm a new GFC follower.
jdawson02 at gmail dot com
I'm following you on Twitter as giveawaysetc, and I tweeted.
jdawson02 at gmail dot com
if money were no object, i'd love to have the Gorilla Playsets - BRRSS - Blue Ridge Frontier Swing Set
kathleenkmccoy at hotmail dot com
I like the Newport News Wood Complete Playset. awitherstine at gmail dot com
I like CSN stores on facebook. Amy W. awitherstine at gmail dot com
I like the Swing-n-Slide - PB 8210 - Winchester Wood Complete Swing Set.
Facebook fan of CSN - Kelly Tee
Twitter follower of CSN - @texastypeamom
Email subscriber
I follow you on Networked Blogs - Kelly T
I voted for you!
I love this
Gorilla Playsets Blue Ridge Chateau Swing Set: http://www.swingsetsandmore.com/Gorilla-Playsets-blrc-GOR1075.html - it's gorgeous and looks like so much fun! :)
rararomp at gmail dot com
CSN Stores Facebook fan Raegen T.
rararomp at gmail dot com
CSN Stores twitter follower @rararomp.
rararomp at gmail dot com
I'm your new public GFC follower Rae T. (Auqakuh).
rararomp at gmail dot com
I like the http://www.swingsetsandmore.com/Future-Play-FP-6413A-FPL1010.html
I'm your Networked Blogs follower Raegen T.
rararomp at gmail dot com
I'm your twitter follower @rararomp and tweeted: https://twitter.com/rararomp/status/34327677892694016
rararomp at gmail dot com
katherine kinnaird likes CSN on FB
@kinnairdkath follows @CSn on twitter
"You have just voted for Marlie and Me!" (vote #105) 6 FEB
rararomp at gmail dot com
katherine kinnaird is Marlie and Me network blog follower
katherinekinnaird@yahoo.com voted on the fence
i like the tot town fun center
i like CSN on facebook-mandy hatch agnello
i follow CSN on twitter @jeffandmandy
i follow on networked blogs- mandy a.
i follow on GFC
I like the Backyard Products - 4505 - Explorer's Station Swing Set best!
I follow CSN on twitter (corgipants)
I follow you via GFC.
If I allowed myself to dream the $899. one.
dave badgley
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dave badgley
followed nb (forgot follow twitter)
dave badgley
voted on picket fence
dave badgley
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