...to when Damon and I first met. I was living in a scholarship house off-campus (a co-op for nerdy, nerds). He was friends with one of my roommates. He came over to hangout. I liked him immediately. After he left I asked her about his "situation." She said she didn't think he had a girlfriend, but would find out. I badgered her for two days until she finally admitted that she talked to him but that he was not interested because he thought light-skin girls were stuck up. I looked up his phone number and called his dorm. He barely answered the phone before I launched into a tirade of who-do-you-think-you are-to-judge-me-you-don't-even-know-me-where-do-you-get-off? Somehow he managed to get a word in edgewise (a talent he skillfully employs to this day) and asked where I got the idea that he didn't like me because I was light-skinned? I told him my roommate said so. He said that was a lie and then asked me out. We've been inseparable ever since (except for that pause). Interestingly, we stayed friends with my former roommate and even visited her in Zurich when we went traveling through Europe two summers ago.
...to the first time he told me he loved me. We were at the movie theater watching some silly romantic-comedy. The lead actors were engaged in a heart-to-heart about sex before marriage. I turned to him and asked in a whisper if he thought we were sinning by having premarital sex. Without pausing, he said, "no, because I love you." just.like.that. He said it so casually, but with so much confidence that I was stunned into silence. My mind was screaming HE LOVES ME!
...to our disastrous first engagement. Senior year was drawing to a close. My mind was preoccupied with the big question. Not THAT question. I was wondering what would become of us after graduation. I wanted to know where we stood. We had an argument, he came back with a ring, I stupidly said yes. A week later, he admitted it was a mistake. The ring went back to the jewelry store, and I was left humiliated and heartbroken. He went to Atlanta alone. It took almost two years to find our way back to each other. Along the way, many lessons were learned. The most important being that we belonged together.
...to our wedding day. I was annoyed because no one seemed to be acting like it was MY wedding day. His cousin woke me up early that morning to inform me that he missed his flight (so?! was my reply). My bridesmaids were crowding my dressing room and hogging my make-up artist and hair stylist. As I was getting ready I kept kicking myself for not taking Damon up on his offer to elope while we were in Vegas. When I finally started walking up the aisle I saw him standing at the front of the church and everyone else ceased to exist. That's when I realized that from then on it was just me and him.
...to when we became parents. 11 months ago on the same date (Marlie was born on August 15), we welcomed our baby girl into our lives. I didn't think it was possible to love my husband any more, until I saw him become a father. When I see the two of them together my heart swells to the point where it feels like it will burst. Before Marlie it felt like we were one, but now it feels like we are a family.
I am excited to see what will the next decade will bring!
I loved your vignettes! Congratulations =)
Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing those stories of your courtship and emerging love. The wedding photo is beautiful! I also love how you talk about your focus being totally on him as you walked down the aisle. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and health together.
Congratulations on 10 years of marriage! Hope you have a really special anniversary.
Loved the stories.
Congratulations on 10 years of marriage!!! Have a great day!
Great summary of the relationship. Did you ever ask your roommate what was up with the blocking?? (cause she was totally blocking, lol) Happy 10th anniversary. Wishing you many, many more.
Many, many congruatulations!!
So sweet! You guys are an awesome family!
It's a great milestone!!
Happy Anniversary!
Beautiful. Happy Anniversary.
Congrats congrats congrats!! :)
I do think it's interesting that you were able to maintain a friendship with the roommate. Some little dirt lay somewhere in that light-skinned story, but obviously what WAS to happen, happened. :)
First of all, if you ever go back to Zurich...please, pretty please take me with you.
But, most of all...Happy Anniversary! I love your story. Sometimes breaks are meant to be, I know because my husband and I had a break too. Looking back, it was a good thing.
I love Tony Toni Tone's Anniversary! It will definitely be stuck in my head. I hope you guys are celebrating...have fun and congrats!
Awww. I love a good love story. Happy anniversary!! I know you guys will have plenty more.
Love, Love, Love!!!
It's amazing how love grows and how, just when you thought you couldn't possibly love any more than you do, you're blindsided by a tidal wave of love like you've never experienced before. That's what came to mind for me when you spoke about watching your husband with Marlie, and how now you're a family. I feel the same way. Seeing the way my 2 guys look at each other simply takes my breath away. I fall each & every time, a bit harder than before.
Thank you for sharing your love story, and reminding me of mine.
Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations! What a great story.
It is always such a pleasure to see other couples of color making long anniversary dates! Hubby and I will be celebrating 5yrs in less than a month!
That's beautiful. Happy Anniversary!
Did you get aluminum foil for your anniversary gift? LOL
I just saw this post for the first time. It is so precious. I love it all. I was reading another post of yours and this was a link. May God continue to bless your marriage :)
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