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Proskins SLIM 28 Day Challenge Week 3 Update

Monday, September 9, 2013

I just completed week 3 of the Proskins SLIM 28 Day Challenge. To recap: I have been wearing the Proskins Slim anti-cellulite leggings every day for a minimum of 8 hours in an effort to reduce cellulite and lose inches in my legs. You can read about my journey: why I joined the challenge and my week 1 and week 2 results.

True story: I misplaced my Proskins for 3 days this week. I wore them to workout on Tuesday and then, poof, they disappeared. I couldn't remember if I removed them then forgot to put them in the laundry or if I washed them then stashed them in the wrong place. I practically tore up my house looking for them. I accused my husband of swiping them for his run (because I bragged how great they felt on a jog). I finally found them on Friday hiding in a leg of my husband's sweatpants (so it was his fault after all). I guess they slid in there while in the dryer. Here I am reunited with my Proskins:

proskins challenge
reunited and it feels so good!

So I didn't get a full week of wearing my Proskins, but here is the skinny (ha! pun intended) on my week 3 results:

Baseline Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Hips 41" 40" 40.5" 40"

Top of thigh 25" 25" 24" 24.5"

Widest part of thigh 23" 22.5" 21.5" 22"

Above knee 15.2" 15" 15" 15"

Below knee 13" 13" 13" 13"

Widest part of calf 12.5" 13" 13" 13"


Ellen said...

Wow you're doing a great job! Thank heaven you found them!

Jenn said...

Interesting. Do you also see a reduction in cellulite?

East9thStreet said...

Do you wear them all the time or just for periods of time?

SavingsInSeconds said...

Wow, that's cool that you've actually seen a difference! My skin is so sensitive, I'm concerned that it would make my legs itch or feel too hot.

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