Toddler Log: 3 Years Old:
She really likes animals, especially the slimy kind. She has been collecting snails from the garden and one fell out of her bookbag and went crashing to the floor. She was beside herself. She told me he was hurt and needed a doctor (after she accused me of cracking him). Then she proceeded to try to nurse him back to health. He carried him around in a box and tried to feed him apple slices. I finally convinced her to give him a burial at sea (flush him down the toilet).
Lately, everyday is 1001 questions: Where are we going? What are you doing? What's wrong? Who is that lady? And my all time favorite: Why? It's driving me batty.
Baby Log: 19 weeks
So glad that you found a good preschool and that is such and adorable picture of Desmond! The story of Marlie and the snail cracks me up, she definitely is a drama queen. It is nice that she is so compassionate though.
Abby likes snails and all things icky. Yet she is a princess to the core. I bet they would hit it off well LOL.
Look at mr big man! He's too cute.
I hope she had a great birthday, and I hope you are all doing well since the move!
Happy birthday to your little Marlie. She sure is SO cute. My oldest child is a girl and I TOTALLY get you on the diva princess ;) LOVE it. Your little guy is precious too. They grow SO fast.
im glad you found her a new school. I'm in the process of doing the same. The expense is what keeps her where she is because its affordable. IT just lacks structure and I don't think shes challenged enough. Otherwise, its great! lol
I can't wait to see you guys this weekend! I get to snuggled Desmond! I'm so excited!
I'm so glad you found a place and I pray all goes well. The price of college The cupcake is adorable!!!! Aww your little thumb sucker. Too cute!
Oh my word, that's so sad that she was so upset by her little snail's accident.
On schools, I started with accreditation like you did, and then also chose by gut. Gut is always a win!
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