Name: Angie
Blog Name: Angie's Spot, but it's going to be changing soon to match my blog address
Blog Address: http://www.anticswithangie.com
How many children do you have and what are their genders/ages? 2 girls, 3 yrs and 5 yrs old
- First name of the first person you kissed romantically: Steve (I think...it's been so long ago that I'm having trouble remembering!)
- First name of the person you last kissed: Ailey
- 3 adjectives that describe you: crafty, workaholic, giver
- 3 nouns that describe you: night-owl, multi-tasker, accountant
- 3 things your parent(s) taught you that you plan to teach your child(ren): family dinners are vital, keeping your word is paramount, hard work will make you appreciate things a lot
- 3 things you wish your parent(s) taught you that you plan to teach your child(ren): the importance of saving money, establishing of family holiday traditions, how to drive a straight shift
- Your worst kept secret: that I've turned procrastination into a lifestyle
- Your best kept secret: Now, if I share it with you, then it's not my best kept secret anymore?! OK, seriously, I'm a machine when I put my mind to getting something done. It's a little scary. I become obsessed with getting a task done and have trouble focusing outside of that.
- A romantic comedy movie that best describes your life: This one is very hard to answer and after thinking for a couple of days, I still have no answer. However, my favorite romantic comedy of all time is Four Weddings and a Funeral. I big puffy ♥ Hugh Grant.
- Celebrity parent you'd trade places with and why: Victoria Beckham. Except, I would actually eat. She has fab clothes, homes in the States and London, and that amazingly gorgeous Brit hubby. Yeah, I think I could deal with that.
I totally looked behind to see if you were watching me when you wrote "parents who blog when they should be exercising".
Great interview! I think Angie and I are kindred spirits based upon #7 shhh....LOL
If you ever say the word "exercise" again I will picket your blog with signs...LOL LOL
Very cute post. You look so "official" in your thumb...kind of like Suzie Orman! ♥
Great post!! Stopping over from SITS. Hope you have a good weekend.
how fun! I would have no idea what romantic comedy I would be... good question! I'll have to come back and tell ya what I come up with!
I found your blog via SITS... if you're interested I'm hosting a blog carnival each Thursday called "just for the JOY of it" - come by and link up if you get the chance!
Hey fellow SITSta! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I love your idea for Thursdays with Teresha :)
this was great! thanks for introducing us to another great blog
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